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Calum’s P.O.V

I drop the firewood off by the fireplace before walking over to Luke. After everything that happened this morning I haven’t really talked to anyone except for Louis, and that was only to talk about how we would build the shelter we decided to share.

“Hi.” I sit down next to Luke and he smiles as me. he seemed a bit more worried than the rest of us when Michael ran off and I haven’t heard him talk much since then, but I guess he could be tired or something. “Are you sharing with someone?”

“Nah, I like being alone from time to time and Lily will probably sleep with me when she isn’t with Harry so I figured that’d be enough.” I nod before looking out at the ocean, that’s looking darker than usual. “I think it might rain.” Luke says, almost as if he’s read my mind.

“yeah.” I agree, standing up. “We should probably go help everyone with their shelters, so that they have somewhere to stay when it gets here.” He takes the hand I’m holding out and gets on his feet. We start walking towards the rest of the group and I can tell he’s still worried about something. “What’s on your mind Luke?” I ask hesitantly, maybe he doesn’t feel like sharing that kind of stuff with a guy he barely know.

“I was just thinking about earlier.” He says slowly. “Like...earlier this morning, at the meeting when Ashton snapped at Michael, he looked so scared, like really really scared. i don’t know I just got this feeling that...i don’t know how to explain it and it might be nothing because no one really knows him and now I’m rambling.” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “I worry too much.” We don’t say much more after that and after helping the girls finish their shelter we part ways as he goes to help Harry and I decide to see if Zayn and Liam need any help. Turns out they don’t, and even if they did I wouldn’t have been able to do anything because by now the dark clouds i saw by the horizon earlier has drifted closer and there’s no doubt it’ll rain.

“Guys! There’s a storm coming, let’s get back to camp. If you’re not finished with your shelters you can share with someone else!” Liam steps down from the log he’s been standing on and I watch as people drop what they’re doing and walk back to camp.

“Has anyone seen Lily?” Harry comes running from the beach just as the first raindrops starts falling and when no one answers people starts to panic. The thought of a two year old girl alone in the jungle on an island in the middle of a storm is...well it’s horrible. “When’s the last time anyone saw her? Fucking hell I shouldn’t have let her out of my sight!” Harry is walking in circles around the fireplace by now and Luke is looking as if he want’s to run off into the jungle to look for her, despite the rain and the wind. I’d want to look for her as well, of course I would, but by now the rain is pouring down and if anyone leaves now, chances are they’ll get lost.

“Haz!” Everyone turns towards the sound and I sigh in relief when I see Lily coming out of the jungle. Harry immediately runs over to her and picks her up and the rest of us walk over to see if she’s okay. She seems fine, but there’s one thing that catches my attention. She’s wearing a black hoodie that’s way too big for her, and I know for a fact that she didn’t get it from anyone here. “Lukey!” She holds her arms out and Luke takes her from Harry and walk over to his shelter. I hesitate before following him and when he sits down I do the same. He doesn’t seem to mind though, he’s too busy trying to make sure Lily’s alright.

“Lily, where did you get this?” He asks as he carefully pulls the hoodie’s sleeves up a bit so that she can use her hands. She looks down at the ground before pointing towards the jungle. “Did you find it in there?” Luke asks and she shakes her head and stands up, but she steps on the hoodie and falls over when she tries to walk.She sits up right away and tires to see something from under the hood, that fell down over her eyes. I help her get back on her feet and push the hood back so that she can see us again.

“Got it, he didn’t want me to be cold.” She tells us as she climbs back up in Luke’s lap and yawns. Luke pulls her closer and within minutes she’s asleep. He looks down at her and smiles before pulling the sleeves back down over her hands. He doesn’t seem bothered with the fact that the guy no one knows anything about and that could be a serial killer randomly gave her his hoodie when it started raining, even though he’ll most probably get cold.

“Is that blood?” I ask when I notice the stains on the front of the hoodie. Luke nods, but he still doesn’t seem worried.

“He has this cut next to his eye, it’s probably from that.” He says and shrugs. I sigh and stand up. I don’t know why but I’m still not sure I like this Michael guy, he’s strange. for some reason, Luke doesn’t think so. I look out at the waves crashing in on the beach before leaving Luke’s shelter and running back to mine and Louis’. I guess it’s none of my business who Luke trusts and not, but I can’t help but worry.

Zayn’s P.O.V

“So I guess this is as good of a time to get to know each other as any.” Somehow, most of us ended up in the same shelter and it’s getting kinda boring, just sitting here listening to the rain. Everyone seem to agree with Liam because they move over so that we’re sitting in a circle and then someone, I think it was Harry but I wasn’t really paying attention, asks a question and we all take turns answering them. It’s just the normal questions at first, like “what’s your favourite colour”, “Where are you from” and so on, but then Louis asks us to say one thing no one here knows about us. The moment I hear the question I freeze and a part of me wants to get up and run away, but I can’t. I can’t do anything other than sit here and wait for my turn with that one word, that name, echoing in my head. I think Liam said something about how he used to have a pet turtle or something, maybe he just wanted one, and Rian told us she plays soccer back home, but I guess Ivory and Millie already knew that, and then it’s my turn and i’m trying my hardest to think of something that isn’t the one thing on my mind.


“I uh….I like….I like to paint.”  Good one Zayn, you hadn’t told anyone about that right? I haven’t, me and Liam never really got to the “hobbies” part in our conversations and I haven’t talked that much to anyone else. “Like...yeah, and draw and stuff.”


My turn is over and we move on, but I can’t get my mind of what i could have told them.

“Alright so….I’m gay.” Harry tells us, and I look up. Everyone else looks as surprised as me, but not because of what he just told us.

“We already knew that though Harry.” Ivory says and smiles. “I’ve never heard of a straight male flight attendant.” Harry seems a bit taken aback by this but he doesn’t seem offended.

“Well then uh….I have two cats.” He tries, but Ashton shakes his head.

“Already told me that one, sorry mate.” Harry laughs and runs his fingers through his hair.

“Alright. I have a nephew who’s three years old and lives in Manchester with my sister Gemma.”

“That one works, Ashton your turn.” I stand up and everyone’s attention immediately turns to me. I try to come up with something to say but it feels like it takes forever to actually do so.

“I’mma go get some sleep.” I finally say. “See you all tomorrow.” I leave the shelter before anyone gets a chance to answer but instead of walking to mine and Liam’s, I start walking towards the jungle, I need some time, I need a moment.


~ AN: this was short and shitty and i'm sorry but i'm having a really really bad day but I still wanted to update because I've been away so here you go. I didn't write Michael's pov because I still haven't decided how to do that and yeah. Sorry it's bad. //M ~ 

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