A way out

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Niall’s P.O.V

I smile to myself as I take the flowercrown off. It’s been four days since my birthday and it feels like I’ve been smiling constantly ever since. I probably have, but who can blame me? I never expected them to do anything like this, not with that crazy woman running around trying to kill people, but they did and it was amazing.

“Oi! Nialler!” Louis runs over to me and sits down next to me. “Still thinking about that kiss are you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” I tell him, blushing. I have been thinking about that a lot over the past few days, there’s no denying that. I don’t really know when I first started thinking of Millie as more than a friend, but somewhere along the way I did and lately I’ve really been thinking about her a lot, making up excuses to hang out with her and stuff like that, so when she came up to me and kissed my cheek I almost passed out. I didn’t actually pass out, obviously, but there was no way I could hide my smile when I joined the others and Louis immideately caught up on what had happened, or what he thought had happened.

“Sure you don’t Nialler, sure you don’t.” He says and gets back on his feet. “I’m gonna go and check if anyone’s awake, you wanna come?”

“Nah, but I saw Michael leave a while ago, he went into the jungle. I wanted to follow him but he looked like he was about to throw up and I did not want to see that so I stayed here.” Louis nods, but he looks a bit worried now. I guess I should be worried too, with the crazy lady and one of ours running around out there, but I’m not.

“I’ll go talk to Luke then, maybe he can go check on him, I really don’t wanna get sick.” Louis doesn’t give me a chance to answer, he just turns around and leaves. A few minutes later Luke runs past me, heading in the same direction I saw Michael leave in an hour ago. The girls appears a few minutes after that, all four of them, and when they walk past me on their way down to the water I swear I see Millie blushing as Rian elbows her. Odd, she never seemed like the blushing type of girl.

I stay in my spot for a few hours, watching as people move around doing whatever they’re doing. The girls comes back from the ocean, Louis and Harry walks past, Liam and Zayn comes back with more firewood. Calum joins me for a while but he soon gets bored and leaves again. I don’t see Luke or Michael but I know better than worrying, they’re probably fine. I made the mistake of going to look for Louis and Harry a few days ago, they had been gone for hours, and I’m pretty sure seeing them sucking each other’s faces off left me scarred for life. I consider asking Calum or Liam to go look for Michael and Luke, just in case they’re actually snogging somewhere, because that would be hilarious, but decide against it. It’s probably not a good idea to send someone else into the jungle. So instead I turn my attention back to the everchanging ocean in front of me, watching how the waves comes crashing in, how they get bigger and bigger before smashing up onto the beach, bringing seaweed and seashells with it and leaving them there to get caught by another wave and disappearing back into the water again. It’s actually kind of sad, but beautiful at the same time, how the things on the bottom of the ocean never gets to lay still and simple exist, it’s always being pulled somewhere, being thrown up on the beach just to be pulled back in.

Before I get the chance to get even deeper in my reflections of the life on the bottom of the ocean I spot something out there. At first I just look away, assuming it’s nothing but the top of a wave or something, but when it’s still there two minutes later I take a closer look.

“GUYS!” I’m on my feet in less then a second and starts backing back to camp, scared it’ll disappear if I take my eyes of the thing for even a second. “GUYS COME HERE!” I hear footsteps behind me and Liam’s the first one to appear, the others following close behind. I raise a hand and point out at the ocean, trying to help them see the growing white thing out there. “It’s a boat” I say, my voice hoarse, almost as if I’ve just woken up. “There’s a boat out there, I think it’s coming this way.” Liam lifts a hand to shadow his eyes as he looks out as well, trying to find the boat.

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