Welcome, to the Freakshow!

221 14 4

Harry’s P.O.V

“So….Louis.” Awkward much Harry? Come on snap out of it, it’s not like you haven’t talked to him before. Louis looks over at me and smiles, expecting me to continue. “We don’t know a lot about each other.” Great, not creepy at all, no no. It’s not like he’s gonna think you’re a creep now or something and run off before you get a chance to get to know him. that’s why you’ve been single for ten years isn’t it? Because you’re too awkward to have a normal conversation with anyone you’re attracted to.

“I guess we don’t.” He agrees. “I would tell you about my life, but there’s not much to tell. I haven’t really been out “living the life” or anything, this is my first time leaving the country. Hey, can you help me with this?” I walk over to where he’s trying to pick some fruit and help him get the ones he’s too short to reach. “Thanks. Anyway, why don’t we play some kind of question game?” He walks over to a small rock and sits down on it. I follow him and sit down in the grass in front of him. “So I’ll go first. Tell me about your family.”

“Alright.” Okay Harry, don’t mess things up now, you can totally do this, right? “My parents separated when I was younger so yeah, I lived with my mum most of the time because my dad moved to Manchester and I didn’t want to change schools and stuff. My mum met Robin a few years later and they got married six years ago. Oh, and I have a sister, Gemma, who’s older than me and she has a son, Jamie, who’s three years old. Uh….I don’t really have anyone except for my cats back home.” Yeah...that’s how you don’t do it Harry. Really? Why did you mention the cats?

“You’re lucky you only have one sister, I have six, and a brother.” He tells me and smiles. “I’m the oldest, my dad left when I was really really young and my mum’s next husband Mark adopted me. When I was six they had a daughter, Lottie, and then Fizzy came, then the twins, Daisy and Phoebe. They separated though, and my mum met someone else and a few months ago they had twins, Doris and Ernest. And yes, that’s only five sisters but my dad has one too, but I don’t know her. I’ve only met her twice.” He says and I nod slowly, waiting for him to continue. “I grew up in Doncaster, so nothing really exciting ever happened when I was younger. I stayed at home after school to help out with the girls but then I decided to go out and do something with my life and that’s how I ended up here.”

We keep talking for hours and I’m really having a good time. I don’t embarrass myself too much and I get to know Louis better. Turns out he plays football back home, works at Toys R Us and really likes The Fray.

“So...uh you know back on the plane?” Louis asks and I nod. “The pilot, he asked for you. What was that all about?” I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.  I knew someone would bring this up eventually, but i was hoping that someone wouldn’t be Louis.

“Paul, yeah…he does that sometimes.” I tell him. “He seemed to think it was alright to ask me for “favors” since I’m gay and stuff, and he really didn’t care who knew about it either, but I’m sure you figured that out on yourself. I never did anything with him though, just….so you know.”

“No, no I didn’t think you did. I-I mean I guess I didn’t know for sure but it’s not like I assumed you did because you don’t….seem like that kind of guy.” He explains, but before I get a chance to answer him I hear something, we both do. I turn around and spot Ashton making his way through the jungle towards us.

“Hi guys, you don’t happen to have the guitar do you? I can’t find it anywhere and I felt like playing.” He asks as he sits down next to me, taking a mango from the bag we’re collecting them in.

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