Eyes in the night

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~ AN: this is a very short and very bad chapter and I apologize for that but there's a lot going on right now. I'll explain more at the end of the Chapter. Also PLEASE ANSWER THE QUESTION AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER I AM BEGGING YOU (sorry, didn't mean to yell) ~ 

Luke’s P.O.V

I didn’t get much sleep last night and I’m pretty sure everyone can tell. After Ashton came storming back to the rest of us after trying to talk to Michael we all decided to go and get some sleep. I got to sleep for maybe an hour before a scream woke me. Lily was sitting next to me, staring into the jungle ahead of us as she was crying her eyes out. She was absolutely terrified and wouldn’t stop crying so I picked her up and walked down to the water, trying to calm her down. It wasn’t easy to get her to tell me what her dream was about because she seemed convinced it wasn’t a dream, that she was awake when she saw someone walking around in the jungle, staring at us with mean eyes that turned red for a second when she looked at him. I’m not gonna lie, it did scare me a little, the way she described how the moonlight was reflected in the man’s eyes. Maybe it’s the fact that we’re stuck on this island with no weapons or anything to defend ourself with, but the way she described him really scared me. It wasn’t a very good description, she’s only two years old after all, but it still really stuck with me. Eventually she did fall asleep again, after two hours of me walking back and forth with her in my arms, telling her a story about the land beyond the rainbow where unicorns and pandas lived together and where the trees are made out of raspberries. But I couldn’t go back to sleep, the man she told me about wouldn’t leave my mind and when people started waking up I gave up and decided to just go to bed early tonight instead.

“Alright, now that we’re all here there’s some things we have to talk about.” Liam stands up and walks into the middle of the circle we’re sitting in. Most of us consider Liam our leader and I really don’t mind that, even though I’ve only known him for a day I can tell he’s a nice guy, and a honest one to that. And he seems to be up for it as well, so it’s all good. I wouldn’t want to be the leader, not that anyone would ask me. “First of all, we need to build more shelters because it will probably get cold and it might even rain and we just can’t fit thirteen people in the one we have now.” He holds his hand up to keep people from talking before continuing. “I’m thinking we just build our own, if you want to share with someone that’s fine too, and then we all build a bigger one together. But before we do that there’s some other things we need to talk about, first of all; does anyone here have any addictions we need to know about, seeing that you’ll probably feel pretty shitty soon, when you can’t get whatever it is.”

“I smoke.” Zayn says and looks up from the stick he’s been twirling in his hands. “Don’t think it’ll affect you guys though, hopefully it’ll just be headache and stuff but I apologize in advance, just in case I get pissed or something.” Liam nods and looks at the rest of us.

“Anyone else?”

“Well I guess i’m kinda addicted to like working out and such but I can still do that here so it won’t be a problem.” Ashton tells us and we somehow end up taking turns telling each other about our addictions, if we have any. Most of us don’t, Louis mentions that he thinks Calum might be slightly addicted to almonds but that’s about it. “What about you?” Ashton says as he turns around to look at Michael, who’s sitting a few meters away from the rest of us and are drawing in the sand with a stick. He looks up as Ashton and even though he’s wearing a hood that keeps his face in the shadows his eyes seem to shine. He then turns his attention back to the sand without saying a word. I look over at Ashton to see how he’s going to react, since he already seem to have something against Michael. Seems like Ashton’s had enough. “Listen here dickhead!” He says, standing up and walking over to him. “I don’t know what your problem is or why you think you’re better than everyone else but I’m sick of it!” He grabs Michael’s hood and pulls him to his feet, causing the hood to fall down. The first thing I notice is the cut right next to his eye, it looks bad, as if it’s starting to get infected, the second thing is the fear in Michael’s eyes. Ashton pushes him up against a tree without letting go of the hoodie. “Tell me! Tell me what your fucking problem is!” We all just sit there, too shocked to do anything, until Liam finally snaps out of it and walks over to them, pulling Ashton away. As soon as he’s free to move, Michael pulls his hood up again before running away into the jungle.


Liam’s P.O.V

“What happened back there?” I ask as I sit down next to Ashton. He looks up at me and sighs before hiding his face in his hands again. It’s been almost an hour since he snapped at Michael and it seems like he’s cooled off a bit.

“I don’t know.” he mumbles after a while. “I don’t know. I’ve been trying to be nice to him and he just keeps ignoring me and he’s looking at me like he’s worth more than me. I guess that when he didn’t answer me all the stress and everything just took over and I...yeah” He picks up a seashell and looks at it for a while before throwing it away and we watch how it flies through the air before disappearing into the ocean.

“He hasn’t said a word to me since we found him on the shore, not once.” I tell him. The first two days here, before the girls joined us in camp, he seemed almost scared of me. He didn’t really connect with Zayn either, but at least he didn’t move away if he sat down too close to him. I wasn’t jealous of Zayn, not really, but I don’t want anyone to be scared of me, or of anyone else for that matter. “In fact, I don’t think he’s talked to anyone here except for when he told Zayn his name.”

“God, I really messed this one up didn’t I?” Ashton sighs again and picks up another seashell. “Should I go talk to him? Try to make things right?” I stand up as well and look towards the camp, where Zayn just emerges from the jungle, alone. He went to make sure Michael was alright not too long after he left, but by the looks of it he was unsuccessful. He notices me looking at him and shakes his head before disappearing out of sight again.

“No, leave him alone for a while.” I say. “He’ll come back eventually, then you can try.” Ashton nods and stands up.

“Alright, I better go apologize to everyone else then.” He says. “Thanks for stopping me, I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t. i’m telling you man, this island is changing me.”

~ AN: Alright so, first of all I have a question for you guys. Do you want me to write Michael's P.O.V? Because so far I haven't and we don't really know much about him, but if you want to find out more I'll do it.

Secondly; I'm going on a vacation on Monday and I won't be able to update while I'm away. Hopefully i'll get something up tomorrow and if i don't you'll get a really really long chapter when I get back. just wanted to let you know.

So yeah, that's it. Hope you didn't hate this chapter, I kinda did, and remember to vote/comment :) Lots of love /M ~  

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