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~AN: I wasn't going to update this until tomorrow but I wanted to try and cheer someone up a bit so yeah (: ~

Luke's P.O.V

I'm already smiling when I open my eyes, staring up at the white sealing in my bedroom. I stay like that for a while before rolling over, expecting to find someone else next to me, curled up under the cover. There's no one else in the bed though, and my smile is replaced by a frown as I get out of bed. I put on some sweatpants before leaving my room, walking downstairs into the kitchen. A big box is standing on the table with a note attached to it and even though I'm still worried, although I can't really put my finger on why I'm worried, I can't help but get curious and walk over to it. It's not wrapped but it's still obvious that it's a gift of some sort and I pick up the note, unfolding it.


We know you'll been feeling lonely lately so here's something to cheer you up.


That's all it says, no name or further explanations, but I really don't care about that right now. I open the box hoping it'll be a new computer or something inside it, but instead a puppy jumps out the moment I open it.

"Hi!" I smile as I pick the puppy up, laughing when it licks me. "Hello, what's your name?" Somehow I already know her name, and it's confirmed a few minutes later when I look inside the box again and find a collar with a name tag on it. "Alright, let's go for a walk." I put her puppy down and walk out of the door, still wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants.

I open my eyes, looking up at the clear blue sky. I don't know how or when I got here, or where the puppy went, but that doesn't bother me at all. I have no idea who's laying next to me either, just that I've met her before and I feel like I should remember her name but I don't, I can't.

"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense." The voice of the person scares me, but I don't make any attempts to get up and leave. "Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't." As she speaks, the sky changes colour. First, it's green, then it turns yellow before turning red, then it goes back to green before turning purple, orange, pink, brown, white. It changes colour faster than I can name the colours it has before stopping, now black. As soon as it stops on black, the trees surrounding us starts changing. They turn into rocks, into mountains, into lions and tigers, into wolves and bears before suddenly disappearing completely as strange shadows appears out of nowhere. The world is suddenly so much darker than it was ten minutes, or ten hours, I can't tell how much time that's passed, ago, and the person next to me has disappeared into the shadows. I sit up, trying to find her or a way out of here, but all I can see it darkness. "And contrariwise, what it is it wouldn't be." The voice comes from somewhere behind me and I spin around, but there's nothing there but darkness. "And what it wouldn't be, it would." The voice is once again behind me and I turn around again, but instead of being faced with darkness my eyes meet another pair. Normally this would comfort me, knowing I'm not the only person here, only these eyes are bright red. "You see?" This time the voice comes for everywhere and the shadows are suddenly moving closer, suffocating me.

"You know Sam was a girl right? Her full name was Samantha." I open my eyes again. I'm laying on a couch in someone's house, but I'm not alone. Someone's laying behind me, arms wrapped around my waist, and when I turn around my eyes lock with Michael's green ones. I've finally found him. I've been looking for him ever since I woke up and he wasn't next to me like he was supposed to be, and now here he is.

"I know." He smiles as he runs his fingers up and down my arm. "I know Sam's a girl, I've seen that movie like a thousand times."

"So why did you name your dog Sam after her? He's a boy." He looks over my shoulder and I turn around again. My puppy is laying on the floor next to the couch, only it's not a puppy anymore. It's a full grown dog, nearly as big as a horse, and it's obvious it's a male. When I turn around again Michael's gone and I sit up, trying to figure out where he went. However, the moment I move the dog lifts it's head and it growls as it pulls it's lips back, showing of huge, sharp teeth. As I move again it gets up, moving closer to me. "He'll kill you if you move." Michael has somehow gotten to the other side of the room. He's now standing behind the dog, leaning against the doorframe. He's not wearing the bracelets anymore, something I didn't notice when he was over here even though I'm pretty sure he didn't have them on then either, and his wrists are covered in cuts and burns, blood dripping from his fingers onto the carpet. "I would just stay over there if I were you." He turns around and leaves the room, but when he does someone else enters.

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