I'll be giving it my bestest

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Niall’s P.O.V

When I wake up the morning after the storm it’s almost as if nothing happened. The sky is blue and the ocean calm, there’s no signs of yesterday’s rain. I leave mine and Ashton’s shelter and walk over to the fireplace to get some breakfast before heading down to Ashton, who’s sitting on the beach doing nothing.

“morning Ash.” he nods in response as I sit down next to him but doesn’t say anything. I start eating the fruit I picked back at camp and as I’m sitting there enjoying my breakfast I notice that we’re not alone on the beach. A few hundred meters to our left and closer to the ocean Lily is talking to Michael, or at least I assume it’s Michael because he’s the only one I’ve seen wearing a hoodie around here, except for Lily yesterday. “She had another nightmare last night.” I tell Ashton and he nods again. “I went to make sure she was okay and Luke told me it was about someone sneaking around in the jungle watching us, creeped me out. And apparently Lily’s convinced she wasn’t sleeping.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if it was real, Michael seems like the type of guy who’d sneak around scaring little kids.” Ashton mutters. I watch as Lily takes Michael’s hand and starts pulling him towards the water and i shake my head.

“I don’t think so man, he’s harmless.” I say. Sure, Michael is kinda creepy from time to time, when he just sit there staring at nothing, but he gave Lily his hoodie during a storm and now he’s letting her drag him around here even though it’s really early in the morning, he can’t be that much of a bad guy if he agrees to that.

“Morning guys!” I smile as Luke approaches us, but he doesn’t stop for a chat, instead he keep walking until he gets to Lily and Michael. Lily immediately lets go of Michael’s hand and runs over to Luke, who picks her up before walking over to Michael. Luke says something and Michael nods, but they’re too far away from me and Ashton and I can’t make out what they’re talking about, or what Luke’s talking about. i watch as he puts Lily down again and how she takes both of their hands and starts walking along the beach until they’re out of sight, and then I turn my attention back to Ashton. He’s still looking in the direction they went and I can tell he’s thinking hard about something so I decide not to say anything.

“Guys!” Luke’s back in sight and he’s running towards us. “You have to come look at this, come on come on!” He grabs Ashton’s hand and pulls him on his feet before starting dragging him back the way he came and i’m quick to get on my feel and follow them, because i haven’t seen Luke this excited before and it has to be something big.

We walk for maybe five minutes before Michael and Lily comes in sight. They’re standing next to something that looks like...it looks like a suitcase. No it’s more than one, it’s like maybe close to a hundred suitcases laying in the sand in front of us.

“Holy shit!” I starts laughing at the sight and then I run over to the closest suitcase. I’m just about to open it when I see something in the corner of my eye and look up. Michael is standing a few meters away holding a guitar case. “Oh my god!” I get back on my feet and walk over to him, taking it from him, too concentrated on the instrument to notice how hurt he looks when I do so, or how he quietly leaves the beach as I carefully open the case to look at the guitar inside. It’s intact, and that’s probably the best thing that has happened since we got to the island. I’ve missed playing guitar so much, and now I’ll finally be able to do it again.

“Hey this one’s mine!” Ashton calls from somewhere behind me, but I’m too busy with the guitar to take any notice in him. I put it over my lap, carefully strumming it. It’ll need some tuning but after that it’ll sound perfect. “And this one’s Rian’s, hey we should go get the others!” I put the guitar back in it’s case before turning around to see what Ashton’s going on about. He’s kneeling next to a rather small blue suitcase, reading the nametag.

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