Nora's Wanted Ending

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Y/n:" Guys I'm so Nervous, Pyrrha wants to have another kid"

Ren:" What's there to be nervous about?"

Y/n:" We already have 2 little bastards, I do want a 3rd one, but at the same time, I don't"

Jaune:" Relax, Pyrrha knows what she's doing"

Y/n:" Said the bastards who's never gotten any"

Jaune:" S-sure I have! I even have a girlfriend!"

Ren:" Your hands don't count Jaune"

Jaune sighed sadly before walking away from me and Ren's table

Ren:" A 3rd Child will be fine Y/n"

Y/n:" You think so?"

Ren:" I know so"

I slapped him and got up walking away

Ren:" what was that for!"

Y/n:" that's for letting Nora take advantage of you for that"

I walked before passing a few buildings, I felt a cold breeze down my neck and before i knew it, Nora came up to me and smiled

Y/n:" Hello"

Nora:" Y/n! Hi!

Y/n:" Do you need anything?"

Nora:" Do you remember that time I cheated on you with Ren?"

I nodded before she asked me what year it was and what Exact Date it was, when I told her these exact details, she walked away and spoke to a crystal I've seen in her hand and everything began to change, I was soon knocked out and Broken again

~ Back in last chapter ~

Pyrrha:" Are you sure, I don't think we are supposed to be here"

Nora:" I-it worked??"

Pyrrha:" what do you mean?"

Nora:" N-nothing! And I'm sure we are supposed to be here, After all, I've found Ozpins Robot in here"

Pyrrha:" Really?"

Nora:" Yes, shut up"

Jaune:" Guys! It's professor oobleck, he's coming!"

Nora quickly grabbed the box filled with Y/n's Robot parts and ran towards her room with it, then she began to rebuild Y/n

Ren:" what Evilness are you making Nora?"

Nora:" If you want an Honest Answer, I'm making my husband"

Ren:" Husband?"

After Nora assembled the robot, she smiled and turned it out

Y/n:" Robot 000-123 Activate, Y/n memories rebooting"

Nora:" Hi! My name is Nora and I was hoping we can be Boyfriend and Girlfriend"

Y/n:" Rebooting finished, and what?"

Pyrrha:" He's cute!"

Nora:" F*ck off Pyrrha, Just leave"

Pyrrha sighed and walked out of the room and walked by something that was shining on the ground, and when she picked it up, it had appeared to be the crystal Nora just finished using

Pyrrha:" What's this...?"

She picked it up and walked towards Ruby's dorm room, upon entering, they all were looking outside seeing Nora hanging out with her new Boyfriend

Wiess:" Who's the new guy?"

Ruby:" Is that...?"

Yang:" A robot?"

Blake:" How interesting"

Pyrrha:" I have a Question Girls"

They all turned towards her and walked towards before they waited for her Question, Pyrrha backed up before she asked the Question

Pyrrha:" Do you Girls know what this Crystal does?"

Blake Examined the Crystal before telling Pyrrha that, the Crystal was able to Change timelines

Pyrrha:" This is Dangerous, I better put it away"

Ruby:" You know, Something feels off"

Blake:"'s like, somethings bad was about to happen"

Weiss:" Maybe it's Nora and Y/n"

Yang:" Maybe Nora and her Robo boyfriend are not supposed to be together, we gotta tell Pyrrha that, nothing seems right"

~ Y/N P.O.V~

I was holding Nora's hand and I didn't feel anything, Last time I held someone's hand, it was either Raven's or Summers hand, I felt a connection with them, but they disappeared, everytime I'm with Nora, I feel.....nothing

Nora:" I was hoping we can make 3 baby's together, just me and you, married and happy together"

Y/n:" Are you sure?"

Nora:" Yeah! After all! I've built you and wanted you to f*ck me ever sense  I opened the box containing your body parts"

Y/n:" Let's go up your room then"

Nora smirked and laughed evilly before Y/n looked at her Strangely and shook his head before she literally dragged his body towards her dorm room and upon arriving, they seen Pyrrha walking with Ruby and the other

Pyrrha:" HI Nora!"

Nora:" F*ck off"

She slammed the door leaving Pyrrha and the other 4 to stand outside and walk away

Ruby:" Pyrrha, we have a bad feeling"

Pyrrha:  Yeah, i-i do as well, it's this moment Nora was supposed to cheat on y/n....but that didn't happen...."

Weiss:" We feel like that, Nora and Y/n  are not supposed to be with each other at all"

Pyrrha:" Well I could always use this Crystal, but I could never do that to my best friend, she deserves to be happy with the person she loves"

Ruby:" Your such a good person"

They all hugged Pyrrha before walking away towards the kitchen area thing

~ future ~

Nora:" Y/n! I'm pregnant! And there twins!!"

Y/n:" We already have 2 of them..."

Nora:" So? Isn't that a good thing! We have each other! No one else but me, you and our children, no one else is to disturb our lives we can finally be happy!"

Y/n:" Yeah happy...."

Y/n was forced to live his very Unhappy life with the girl who changed timelines and stole Pyrrha's bright Future

Wiess:" Still happy for them?"

Pyrrha was crying hard but she still ended up staying happy for both Y/n and Nora

Ruby:" you can always use the Crystal..."

Pyrrha:" No! She deserves to be happy! No matter how mean she was to me all those years ago....she even said something worked..."

Blake:" Maybe she altered timelines so that, Y/n would be with her instead of being with you"

Pyrrha:" D-do you think she really would do that...?"

(( Part 3 or No?))

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