T h i r t y - o n e

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Bill: you think we should tell them?

Stan: tell them what?

Bill: about our "upgrade"
Bill: they deserve to know

Stan: of course they do but what if they start to exclude us out of everything and we start becoming distant and stop being friends??

Bill: babe, you're overthinking. Didn't you see how well they reacted to Richie and Eddie announcing they're a couple? Beverly even wanted them to be together from before

Stan: I guess you're right. I am overthinking

Bill: ok now let's go tell them

Stan: ok


Richie: so then I walk into the room and Eddie's just laying on the bed in only his boxers with a face all like 😏

Eddie: Richie sTAHP they don't need to know about our sex life

Stan: guys

Bill: we have something to tell you

Beverly: make it quick this was getting interesting

Stan: whatever bEAVERLY

Beverly: fuck you too nOODLEHEAD

Eddie: will you guys just tell us?

Stan: right. Bill how about you tell them

Bill: well uh Stan and I
Bill: we're dating


Stan: thank you :) ❤️

Beverly: man I knew you two would get together. I just kNEW IT

Richie: hey guys...
Richie: please

Bill: what

Richie: use protection ;;;))))

Eddie: yeah you don't want any STD's ;;))))

Stan: so you mean to tell me that you guys use them?

Richie: ...
Richie: gotta blast

Richie has left the chat

Eddie: yeah um about that...

Eddie has left the chat

Beverly: god what idiots 😂


Bill: see?
Bill: it went great
Bill: in my opinion at least

Stan: guess you were right :)

Bill: hUNNY I'm always right ;)

Stan: yeah ok sure
Stan: I'm sooo tired
Stan: gn babe, love you ❤️❤️

Bill: love you too 😘 gn ❤️
Bill: actually wait

Stan: what

Bill: can I come over? I wanna cuddle 😌😌

Stan: hm...
Stan: sure ❤️

Bill: yay see you in 5 😘😘

Stan: ok 😘

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