F i f t y - s i x

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Eddie: gUYSSSS

Stanley: oH mY gOd iTs SnOwiNg
Stanley: what you've never seen snow before??

Eddie: uHM nO

Beverly: oooo snow Virgin huh?

Eddie: don't call it that 🙄

Mike: you guys actually wanna hang out outside for once?

Eddie: in the snow?

Mike: yeah, the whole town is covered in it


Ben: woah..
Ben: why you so excited? 😂


Ben: oh

Richie: wo-hoa
Richie: looks like the whole town is covered in white stuff 🤠

Mike: Richie...ew

Richie: must be from that huge nut I busted last night 🤩

Beverly: double eW

Eddie: gUYS
Eddie: I got dressed. I'm ready to head out

Beverly: oh hELL no I'm not leaving my bed it's wAY to cold

Bill: me either

Richie: yeah me too, sorry bud

Mike: ig no one really does want to go out it's way to cold and early for this shit

Eddie: mIKE you're the one who suggested it in the first place!!!

Mike: people can't change their minds?

Eddie: they can but not tHIS quickly 😭

Richie: ugh fuck it I'm going out
Richie: Eddie, I'm sacrificing my comfort for you

Eddie: tHaNk YoU

Beverly: whatever I'll join too

Bill: ok everyone else is in, so I'm in

Mike: me too ig ://

Ben: yeah me too...

Eddie: let's meet in 20 minutes at Bill's place

Stanley: I just woke up and read these...
Stanley: I'll come but I might be a little late
Stanley: like I said, I just woke up and it's wAY too cold to get out of bed so soon

Eddie: eh it's fine

Beverly: ok so: 20 minutes, Bill's house

Richie: see you shit fucks there :D

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