T h i r t y - f i v e

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Bill: so are you guys going to that Halloween party tomorrow?

Richie: yeah I wanna get drunk and fuck

Eddie: Richie you know fucking someone else would be cheating, correct?

Richie: oh I know ;)

Beverly: are you implying you two are gonna fuck at the guy's house?

Richie: maybe ;)))

Beverly: mind if I bring my camera?

Bill: let's change the subject shall we?
Bill: what are you guys going as?
Bill: I'm going as a zombie bride

Stanley: and I'm going as a zombie groom

Mike: so you two are doing a couple costume?

Bill: yeah

Beverly: cool, cool
Beverly: I'm going as Chucky

Mike: I'm going as a clown >:)

Richie: you're so evil
Richie: you know I hate clowns

Mike: what can you do?

Eddie: I'm going as a ghost. I'm too lazy to put any effort into my costume ://


Eddie: you won't think that once I take the bedsheet off ;)

Bill: I feel like you two sometimes forget that this is a group chat and that everyone can see what you send :/

Richie: 🤷🏼‍♀️
Richie: I'm going as Jack Skelington

Beverly: ooo interesting
Beverly: where's Ben btw??

Ben: I'm here just got out of the shower

Beverly: are you coming to the party tomorrow?

Ben: eh too lazy

Eddie: but we all agreed on going >:|

Ben: ever heard of someone changing their mind?

Eddie: fine
Eddie: you guys wanna come to my place after the party and watch a movie?

Stan: depends on what time we'll leave the party

Richie: yeah and we'll probably leave late anyway

Bill: let's just watch a movie on Halloween? (A/N: the party isn't on Halloween)

Beverly: eh I guess?

Richie: weren't we gonna go trick or treating?? :((

Eddie: aren't we too old for that? :/

Bill: yeah we're all 17
Bill: we're almost adults

Richie: sO???

Stanley: wym sO?

Richie: fine y'all are so mean

(A/N): oof that was a terrible way to end that 😅 but idk how to continue it so I guess I'll just leave it at that? Just don't come at me, k? Ya girl struggling 😔👊🏻

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