Chapter Seventeen - The Way of the Warrior

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The door closed behind them.

The thought that her master now held the key that would allow them to leave was one that nagged at her, but did not annoy her; she postulated whether there would be another way out.

'This room is for you, my dear.'

She looked around the triangular room, the walls were lined with statues.

She saw no significance in this at first.

'They're the seven masters?'

The master nodded.

'Their quarrel is with you, I am afraid.'

The heads of the statues looked up, their blank stone faces boring into her.

 She stepped into the middle of the room, living they could not stop her, dead they would not stand in her way.

She would not wait for the dead out of courtesy, before they could move she jump kicked the air, slicing through it and sending a sunset orange wave through the air, shattering two statues. A translucent mist came out from inside each one, they moved through the air as vapours, passing through the air, they entered her body, and she felt a sudden sharp chill, when she turned around they weren't there.

A side kick behind her dispatched another three, releasing a triad of mists, which also entered her body, and were gone by the time she looked behind her.

She punched the air, sending a concentrated beam at the penultimate statue, a sixth mist gave her a sharp chill, and was gone by the time she looked behind her.

Leaving only one.

She sprinted towards it; as fate would have it, it was the last master she had killed she grabbed it by the throat, as she had before, looked it in the eyes and said, 'How does it feel to die a second time by my hand.'

Her hand glowed bright blue, and she squeezed, crushing its neck to dust. The head fell to the floor and rolled to the feet of the master. 

A final mist flew up from the shell that held it, and with a force, flew straight at her, knocking her off her feet, she landed, unconscious, next to the head of the final master.

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