How It Started...

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Apollo: I'm bored.

Hephaestus: Me too. All those puny mortals yelling our names... it's getting annoying.

Hera: For once I agree with my deformed son.

Hephaestus: -death glare-

Hera: Okay, okay! For once I agree with my wonderful son!

Zeus: So what should we do?

Athena: You guys are stupid. All idiots. Sit down with a good book and your problem's solved.

Poseidon: What's that? You're reading about architecture again? What's the fun of that? You should read about fishies and the sea.

Athena: Damn your stupid fishies!

All the other Olympians: ...

Aphrodite: Well, I was thinking-

Hermes: Guys, let's get outta here. Miss Lovey-Dovey's intentions are never good.

Aphrodite: Listen! I think we should play a game the mortals invented to see how it's like.

Apollo: Seriously? I would rather stare at Artemis the whole day!

Artemis: What was that, brother?

Apollo: C'mon, sis.

Artemis: Don't call me sis!

Apollo: SIS.

Athena: Will you guys shut up?!

Hermes: Athena, if you're gonna read, get outta here!

Athena: You've got a point. -rushes out of throne room with book in hand-

Poseidon: Nice. Now the major annoyance's gone.

Zeus: Back to that game... I AM NOT PLAYING PUNY MORTALS' GAMES!!

Demeter: I haven't said a word and you guys are blabbering like-

Aphrodite: TRUTH OR DARE!!

Hermes: What is that?!

Aphrodite: One of us asks truth or dare, and someone answers. If they answer truth then I'll ask a question and they have to tell the truth. If they answer dare then I'll tell them to do something or...

All the other Olympians (Except Athena, Ares and Dionysus they're not even there): Or...

Aphrodite: Or you get lifetime punishment from me. -evil grin-

Hera: That's stupid.

Demeter: Really stupid.

Poseidon: The girls are right. Except Aphrodite of course.

Zeus: That is true.

Aphrodite: Truth, Zeus?

Zeus: Wha- I didn't say that!

Aphrodite: Alright. Who is the most beautiful goddess in the Olympians?

Zeus: -grumble- I didn't even say truth.

Aphrodite: Too late! Answer me or I'll make you fall in love with your throne.

Zeus: WHAT?!

Demeter: Oh, this is gonna be fun to watch.

Hermes: Go on, Zeus!

Artemis: As stupid as this game is, this is a good question for Father.

Apollo: No fair! Why are only the goddesses in? I'm the most attractive in the Olympians!

Started With A Dare - A POTHENA STORY ✔Where stories live. Discover now