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Part 2: Concerns

The next morning, Abel woke before Selena, and he decided to make her breakfast in bed to celebrate the good news. He slowly disentangled himself from her grasp, a smile stretching across his lips when she sighed and snuggled up to his pillow.

By the time he returned, carrying a tray covered with scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, cereal, and biscuits, Selena had started to wake up.

"Morning, babe," Abel said when he saw her eyes start to open, but instead of responding, Selena suddenly lunged off of the bed and rushed into their en suite bathroom.

Selena hadn't eaten the previous night thanks to her nerves, so she was stuck dry heaving over the toilet, which almost felt worse than just throwing up. Her stomach clenched painfully as a few tears escaped her closed eyes, and she flinched slightly when she felt Abel's hand on her shoulder.

He gently rubbed her back and held her hair out of her face, hoping to give her some sort of relief. "I'm so sorry, baby," he murmured, frowning.

He'd been so happy the previous night to find out that Selena was pregnant, and it hadn't really occurred to him that she would have to experience things like morning sickness and - he winced at the thought - actually giving birth to their child.

Finally, Selena was able to flush the toilet, lean back and catch her breath, resting against Abel's legs as he leaned down behind her. She breathed deeply as her man rubbed her shoulders.

Once she felt like she could get up, she carefully stood and made her way over to the sink to brush her teeth. Abel quietly left the room and took the breakfast tray back down to the kitchen, returning with a plate of lightly buttered toast instead.

Selena was laying back against their pillows with her eyes closed and one hand resting over her abdomen.

"Sel, are you okay now?" He joined her on the bed and set the plate down on his lap as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

She hummed quietly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Lately, I just can't handle the smell of eggs," she said as she wrinkled her nose. "Thanks for the toast, though." Selena grabbed a piece to nibble on.

"No problem, babe. So, what time is your appointment?" Abel rubbed circles into her shoulder with his thumb.

"It's at 10:30, so we need to leave in about forty-five minutes," Selena responded, cuddling further into her boyfriend's side as she ate her toast.

Abel didn't respond and they lay together in a peaceful silence until the time came to get ready and head out the door. His heartbeat started to escalate a little the closer they got to Selena's doctor's private office building.

"Good morning, Selena, and you must be Abel," the receptionist greeted them as they entered together. "Dr. Grant is ready for you. You can go right in if you like," she said with a knowing smile.

"Thanks, Tara," Selena said, playfully rolling her eyes at the other woman's expression.

She took a deep breath and glanced over at Abel before she entered the large exam room.

"Selena," Dr. Grant greeted the pair happily, getting up from her seat and walking over to hug her patient. "Abel, welcome, it's nice to meet you," she said, reaching out to shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you," he replied politely, feeling a little out of place.

"Thanks again for seeing me on such short notice, Lauren," Selena said as she hopped up onto the exam table. She smiled a little when she noticed the lost expression in her man's face.

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