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Part 12: Life

Three Months Later...

"Abel." Selena yawned his name as she slowly woke.

"I'm right here, babe." He kissed her cheek.

She opened her eyes and smiled when she saw his face. He was practically glowing. She looked at the little pink bassinet next to him.

"Can you hand her to me?"

Abel carefully picked up his newborn daughter and placed her into her mother's arms. He couldn't believe how beautiful she looked holding their child. All of a sudden, the baby tried to suckle from Selena's breast, only to be frustrated by the hospital gown that was in her way.

"I think she's hungry," he smirked. "That's all you, babe," he joked.

Selena rolled her eyes at him playfully as she pulled the fabric away from her chest and allowed her baby girl to latch on.

"Daddy's just jealous that only Mommy can do this for you, isn't that right my precious girl?" Selena cooed in the baby's ear.

Abel pretended to pout for a moment. "You know, babe, we still need to think of a name for her," he pointed out.

Selena hummed in agreement. "I know. Did you come up with your two options?"

"I've been thinking about Alexandria, or maybe  Kira for her first name." Abel reached out and began slowly rubbing Selena's thigh.

A wide smile spread across Selena's face. "I picked Alexandria as one of my choices, too." She looked down at their daughter. "What do you think, are you a little Lexi?"

The baby just gurgled a little as she continued to nurse from her mother's breast.

"I think that was a yes, don't you think, Sel?" Abel smiled at his newborn daughter with soft eyes.

"I think it's perfect." She smiled. "Are you ready to tell me what you were so set on having for her middle name now?" Selena narrowed her eyes playfully at him.

Abel held Selena's hand with a secretive smile. "Alexandria Marie Gomez-Tesfaye."

"What?" Selena's eyes widened in surprise. "You want to give her my middle name?"

"Of course. I figured you wouldn't let me give her your first name, and I wanted her to have more than just your last name next to mine," he admitted.

"Abel," Selena squeezed his hand, "baby, I love it, but together that name just doesn't work for me."

"You don't like it?" Abel frowned. "I thought it was cute, Alexandria Marie."

Selena laughed quietly. "I love that part, don't get me wrong. It's her last name I have a problem with." She paused for a second but went on before Abel could interrupt. "I want our baby girl to have your last name, Abel. Alexandria Marie Tesfaye."

Abel's mouth hung open for a moment while he processed that. "You don't want her to have your last name?"

Selena shook her head. "Growing up, I was proud that I had my dad's last name, even after my parents got divorced when I was five. I want her to carry your name."

"Babe." Abel leaned forward and kissed Selena's hand. "That really means a lot to me." He got up and took a deep breath. "Especially because I'm hoping you'll have the same name soon."

"Abel, what-?" Selena broke off mid-sentence when Abel knelt down on one knee.

"Selena Marie Gomez, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. You're the mother of my child, the woman I want to spend the rest of my lifetime with. You and Lexi, you're everything to me. Will you marry me?" Abel pulled the ring box out of his pocket and presented it to Selena.

"Yes." Selena grinned widely as she tugged on his hand so that he would get up. "I love you so much, Abel," she murmured just before they kissed. 

When they pulled away, Abel opened the little black box and presented the ring to his fiancée. "Do you like it?"

"It's gorgeous, baby, I love it." Selena held out her hand so that he could slip the ring on, and the two of them admired the way it slid perfectly onto her finger.

"Sel?" Abel murmured as he looked down at where their daughter lay on Selena's chest, still quietly suckling.


"When we get married, will you take my name?" He looked into her eyes nervously.

"Abel Makkonen Tesfaye," Selena smiled at his cute worried expression, "I would be honored to take your last name."

Abel sighed in relief just as Lexi let go of Selena's breast and started squirming around a little. "I think she likes it, too," he laughed.

Selena just watched with a smile as Abel picked up their daughter and held her close to his chest.

To Be Continued.

A/N: Hey, everyone! Sorry it's taken so long to get this chapter up - life is a pain in the ass sometimes. 🤷🏻‍♀️ There will only be one or possibly two more parts to this story, and I'm really excited to finally wrap it up!

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed it, thanks for reading! The next part will be posted in a couple hours at the most!

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