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Part 5: Taylor

Selena yawned quietly. Despite having slept a decent amount of time the previous night, she was getting sleepy from cuddling against Abel's side on the couch and watching television until it was time to leave for the airport. The way he was massaging little circles into her side wasn't really helping her stay awake, either.

A knock on the door interrupted her dozing off and she raised her head off of Abel's shoulder.

She half expected to hear the dogs barking at the intrusion, but then she remembered Charlie was down at her aunt's house in Texas and both Caesar and Julius were up in Toronto with Abel's mom. They'd both been traveling so much with Abel on tour and Selena wrapping up the new album and launching the new Coach line that they'd decided to have their families look after the dogs for a few weeks so they weren't flying too much and were able to have the space to run around that they needed.

The original plan was to have the dogs brought home to L.A. the following week, but with their new travel plans to announce the pregnancy, they'd decided they'd take Caesar and Julius down to Texas with them and then pick up Charlie and bring all three dogs home in just a few days.

"Were you expecting someone, babe?"

"I..." Selena hesitated before realization struck. "Oh! Taylor's here. I completely forgot I asked her to come over today when I found out I was pregnant. I wasn't sure how you were gonna take the news, so I told her I wanted to talk to her about something in a couple days," she explained as she reluctantly got up.

He hummed in response. "Okay, do you want me to leave you two alone so you can tell her? I can go in the den and play a little PlayStation if you want," he offered.

She smiled back at him as she headed for the door. "You better stay until I tell her because I know as soon as she finds out, she's gonna want to congratulate you, too," she laughed. "After that, you're welcome to escape to the den while Taylor and I talk," she teased and he just chuckled back at her.

She opened the door and immediately Taylor wrapped her into a hug. She laughed as she snuggled into Taylor's arms.

"So what's the big news?" Taylor asked as soon as she released her little sister. They hadn't actually seen each other in a few weeks, and she knew that, whatever Selena wanted to talk to her about so suddenly, it must be something big.

Selena rolled her eyes playfully. "Come inside and I'll tell you," she said, glancing pointedly at the way the blonde was hovering on the threshold.

"Fine, fine, fine," she sighed dramatically as she entered the house and followed Selena into the living room. "Hi, Abel, welcome home," she greeted him with a smile.

They'd only hung out a few times so far, with her, Abel, and Selena all being so busy, but she liked the way it seemed like he treated her sister, so she was on good terms with him.

"Hey, thanks," he replied with a small smile, glancing at his girlfriend.

Selena sat next to Abel on one end of the long couch, while Taylor took a seat at the other end.

"So? What's the news?" Taylor asked excitedly.

Selena grabbed Abel's hand in hers, resting them on her thigh. "We're going to have a baby," she said slowly, a smile building on her face as Taylor's jaw dropped. "I'm pregnant."

"Oh my god." Taylor moved over and immediately grabbed Selena into another tight embrace. "Oh my god, Sel, that's amazing!"

She laughed even as tears welled up in her eyes. She knew Selena had always wanted to be a mother, but the second the words entered the air, it hit her how dangerous the pregnancy could be for her sister. They'd talked about the risks before, just in passing when talking about how Selena's life had changed since her surgery, and it terrified her.

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