Mommy Dearest

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Part 8: Mommy Dearest

When they pulled up to Mandy's house after dropping Charlie, Caesar, and Julius off at the hotel, Selena leaned forward to address their driver. "We shouldn't be more than a few hours. We'd appreciate it if you stayed within twenty minutes of here, but feel free to get something to eat or whatever you'd like to do. We'll let you know when we're ready for you," Selena requested with a smile.

"Yes, ma'am," he agreed gratefully as his clients got out of the car.

"So, how do you think she'll take the news?" Abel asked as they walked up to the door of Mandy's new home outside of Dallas.

"I'm sure she'll be happy for us." Selena took Abel's hand and squeezed it gently after he knocked.

The door swung open to reveal Brian, Selena's stepfather.

"Sel, Abel, it's so good to see you." Brian shook Abel's hand and pulled Selena into a hug, planting a kiss on the side of her head. "Come on in. Mandy's just finishing up dinner in the kitchen and Gracie's playing in the backyard," he explained.

The couple followed Brian into the kitchen and Selena grinned when she saw her mom setting the table for them to eat.

"Selena!" Mandy matched her oldest daughter's smile when she looked up and saw her standing there. "Welcome home, baby!"

Mandy went over and wrapped her arms around Selena's slender frame. She never got to see her eldest as much as she'd like, but the feeling of holding her safe and sound in her arms never changed as her little girl grew up - if anything, it only got better after she came so close to losing her the previous year.

"I really missed you, Mom," Selena whispered in her ear. She felt her throat tighten with the threat of tears but she fought them off. Her mom would definitely know something was up if she started crying in the first five minutes, and she wanted to wait until after dinner to tell her about the baby.

"I missed you, too, sweetheart." Mandy squeezed her a little tighter before sparing a welcoming smile for Abel. "Now, why don't you call your baby sister into the house so we can have dinner?"

Selena went over and slid open the back door, leaning casually against the doorframe. "Gracie, dinner's ready!"

"Okay," the little girl replied automatically, turning around to run up the stairs, watching the steps as she went up. When she looked up she squealed at the sight of her big sister standing in front of her. "Selly!"

Selena braced herself when her sister immediately charged toward her and demanded to be picked up. "Hi, sweet girl," she laughed as she held her little sister. "Momma has dinner ready for us, are you hungry?"

"Yes!" Gracie giggled, happily snuggling against her big sister. "Did you bring Bull with you?"

Selena had to laugh at the little girl's nickname for Abel. "I did, he's inside right now waiting for us," she confirmed, yelping playfully when Gracie started squirming to get down.

"Let's go!" Gracie grabbed her sister's hand and proceeded to drag her back into the house, only releasing her when she spotted, "Bull!" She squealed, running up to the man.

"Hi, Gracie." Abel grinned when Selena's baby sister ran straight up to him and attached herself to his legs. "Are you ready to have dinner? Your mom just finished making it and it smells really good, huh?" He gestured playfully to the food that sat steaming on the table, smiling at Mandy's nod of thanks.

"It's my favorite, spaghetti!" Gracie confirmed, turning to go sit down before noticing her mother's raised eyebrow. "Oh! I'll be right back, don't start without me!"

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