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Part 6: Home

Selena nervously drummed her fingers against her leg until Abel gently placed his hand over hers.

"Calm down, babe," he murmured into her ear. "Mom already loves you and she's going to be so excited about this baby, I promise you."

Selena sighed but before she could answer, they pulled into the drive of Samra's home. "I guess we're about to find out."

Abel held Selena's hand as they walked toward the door to try to reassure her. He tried to think of something else he could say to relax her, but he didn't get the chance.

Samra flung the door wide just as they were walking up the steps. "Abel, Selena!" She pulled the couple into a warm embrace when they were within reach.

"It's nice to see you again, Samra," Selena said politely, slowly returning the hug even as she grasped tightly onto Abel.

"Mom." Abel wrapped his free arm around his mother's back. He placed a kiss against the side of her head. He'd missed her and he was excited to tell her that she was finally going to be a grandmother.

"Well, let's go inside and have dinner, shall we?" Samra released the couple and smiled at the two of them.

Abel squeezed Selena's hand as he smiled back. "That sounds great, Mom."

The second they entered the house, Caesar and Julius went straight to Abel and Selena, demanding affection after being separated from the two of them. Abel grinned as he got reunited with the boys, although as excited as he was, he still kept his eye on them to be sure they didn't get too rough with Selena.

By the time the three of them were settled around the table, enjoying a traditional Ethiopian meal of Shiro be Kibbe, Selena was even more anxious about telling Samra about the baby. She took small bites of her stew and focused on hiding her nervousness.

"Is everything okay?" Samra asked when the conversation lulled and she noticed the swift exchange of glances between Abel and Selena. She carefully examined her son and his girlfriend. "Selena, are you feeling alright? You've hardly touched your stew," she noted with a frown.

Abel glanced at Selena before he spoke. "Actually, we're both just a bit excited because we have something to share with you," he said, reaching out to gently take hold of Selena's hand. "Mom, we're going to have a baby, you're going to be a grandmother."

Samra's eyes widened and Selena's shoulders tensed as she unconsciously placed one hand over her stomach.

"Oh my," Samra breathed, but then a wide smile broke out on her face. "That's wonderful news! Congratulations, you two!"

"Thank you, Samra." Selena let out a slightly shaky laugh, squeezing Abel's hand in relief. "To be honest, I was a bit nervous to tell you - that's why I haven't eaten much. The meal is delicious," she admitted with a smile, gaining confidence when the older woman met her eyes with a loving grin.

"Oh, dear, you don't need to be nervous around me. I'm thrilled for the two of you. You are exactly the kind of woman my son needs, and I'm certain the two of you will be wonderful parents to that baby," Samra said, looking between her son and the woman he loved.

"Thank you, Mom. That means a lot coming from you," Abel said, relieved to see that Selena looked far more relaxed.

"So, when is the baby due?" Samra asked eagerly.

"She's due March 2nd," Selena replied, running her thumb over her stomach.

"Oh! It's a girl?" Samra asked excitedly, clapping her hands together. "Wait. So soon? That's just four months away." Samra's eyes were wide.

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