The White Eyed Demon

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A mousy blue haired woman draped over her boyfriend setting in an office chair. The boy seemed to be in his mid-twenties, with curly hair and dark brown eyes. His emotions swirled between the delightful view of his girlfriend's cleavage and worry about the new thing she was trying to rope him into.

"I don't know about this Jade" the young boy said pulling Jades hips closer to his own, "I like just you and I, don't you?"

Jade batted her eyelashes, running a hand behind her boyfriend's neck, "of course I like just you and I, but I really need to make a good impression on these people. come on. It'll be fun Aidan"

Aidan took a deep breath and looked into Jades emerald eyes, "I'm just not as into the Satan thing that you are babe. To be honest its kind of freaky, and what your asking me to do, I don't know- "

"so, what you can push drugs, and run a drive by, and fuck the girl you sell cocaine too, but you're afraid of going to a party with a few Satanist?" Jade quipped harshly taking her hand away from Aidan and crossing them over her chest in annoyance.

"oh, come on babe, you don't think this whole situation sounds fucking off to you?" Aidan says pushing his girlfriend off his lap grabbing a white tank off the coffee table in a huff.

"its just a party babe" Jade defended

"Just a party? Just a- Jade you want me to go to this party where you said we will be assigned a girl and she's ours to do with all night? And its all free?"

"what part about that doesn't sound amazing for you?" Jade snarked

"um the part where my girlfriend turns into a jealous mess and kills me in my sleep" He explains

"is that what you're worried about?" Jade soothes walking across the creaking dirty floor to wrap her arms around Aidan, "honey, I get to play with her too, and you get to play with me and her. I'll be perfectly happy"

Aidan smiled and let out a chuckle, "why would a group of devil worshippers even do this what's to be gained? Huh?"

Jade looked frustrated, "because these girls are being conditioned for our lord"


"who else" Jade growled

"and that's all this is? No goats are gonna be killed we're not sacrificing a virgin?"

"no" Jade growled once more turning her back to Aidan in attempt to shield her black eyes from him.

Aidan let out a defeated groan shaking his head, "I'm going to regret this I know I am"

A twisted smile formed on the demon's lips as her eyes flashed back to normal and she turned around to face Aidan, "thank you baby, and trust me you are going to love it."

Aidan and Jade pulled up to abandon warehouse. The place looked like a tetanus shot waiting to happen, with dumped bulk garbage laying all around.

"classy" Aidan said getting out the car with Jade, who seemed to be bouncing for Joy and running for the large metal doors to enter the building.

Aiden rolled his eyes and shoved his hands into his pockets following Jade.

Inside the building were four other couples, Aidan didn't know. Jade ran up to the group of girls who seemed practically giddy to get started. In the middle of the room sat a metal table covered in whips, ropes, duct tape, cuffs, everything you could imagine. Set up along the walls of the warehouse, sat five pop-up make shift rooms made from pipes and curtains.

Aiden was starting to get use to the idea and feeling a bit excited as he stepped up to a line with the other couples, in front of the rooms, Jade coming back to Aidens side.
Suddenly an older woman dressed all in, what looked like, an all black pilgrim outfit, stepped out of the shadows with a smile and a cane.

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