A Little Kiss Goes a Long Way

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Sarah sprung up suddenly excited, "alright!" she shouted enthusiastically, "ill have to borrow a machete, Dean won't mind, will he?"

Sam groaned uncomfortable taking one large step out in front of Sarah stopping her from reaching the door. Sarah looked confused and backed up for a moment.

"you aren't fighting anything," Sam said.

"but I thought- "

"you're going to help me find Dean, after that you are to stay put in a safe place." Sam explained crossing his arms.

Sarah blinked a few times, "excuse me?"

"look- "Sam started, "I don't know you. Dean doesn't know you. there is no way you coming is going to help us in any way"

"no, you look Sam Winchester, you want me to help you and then run? That isn't how this is going to work. If I can survive growing up in purgatory I can handle this.
ALSO, I know almost everything there is to know about you and Dean, so I know how to stay out of your way and still get a job done." Sarah said crossing her arms in a power stare down with Sam, "so I either am all in or, I'm not in at all and you can find your brother without me"

Sam's jaw clenched, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Dean wouldn't like this, he knows that. He also knew this was most likely a trap, and he didn't know how involved Sarah was with it.

"fine" Sam decided, "but there are rules, you do what I say when I say it got it? And no playing hero and if I even for a second think you are switching sides I will kill you. understand?"

Sarah nodded, "you don't have to worry, I really am on your side Sammy"

Sam nodded and grabbed his jacket stepping back to let Sarah open the door. He knew letting her take the lead was an easier way to make sure she didn't try anything, but he also knew that when looking for Dean there were moments that she might have to be behind him... and if they were after a Vampire, she would be armed.
Sarah reached the door of the impala and popped it open looking back at Sam who was lost in thought staring her down. Sarah rolled her eyes before getting an idea.

"hey Sam? I have an idea."

Sam looked concerned but started walking towards the car, "oh yeah?"

"you're worried I'm going to try to kill you right? If you give me a weapon or if I mange to get your back turned on me?"

Sam looked at her with a furrowed brow, "I told you I know everything about you Sam" she quipped

"how about a deal?"

Sam popped open the door and took a seat, "no"

Sarah rolled her eyes and got in next to him, "that's fine with me, I just thought you would want some kind of something to help ease your mind about me going all Rambo on you."

Sam stopped for a moment to look at Sarah, 'she kind of talks like Dean' he thought for a moment before starting the car.

"I thought you didn't make deals because you weren't a demon?" Sam asked smugly

"lots of things can make deals Sam. Demons, witches, even a human can make a deal, you should know you went to law school. And if you made a deal with me all of hell would have to obey it."

That caught Sam's attention as he turned out of the hotel parking lot, "all of Hell?"

"well there is a high chance that I am Lucifer's true bride, any deals I make are like deals Lucifer makes, and they have to obey it including me. the other girls are the same way, any deal they make has to be respected. So, what do you say, a kiss for a deal? All you have to say is what you want."

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