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Sam woke up first from the dull ache in his hands, "Sammy?" a gruff recognizable voice sounded off.

Sams eyes opened wide to see his brother, "Dean" he said relieved to see his brother alive.

Dean stood with his hands shackled above his head dried blood on his face. They looked to be in the basement of the bar, looking around he saw Sarah chained the same way Sam and Dean were.

"who's that?" Dean asked looking over at Sarah "... is that my shirt?"

"it's a long story- "

"not that long," an old woman with a cane said entering the dank room with the southern vamp and red headed witch.

Sam and Dean puffed out their chest and let their anger read across their face, the old woman didn't seem to fear either one of them as she crouched down in Sams face.

"HEY" Dean yelled out as the woman grabbed Sams jaw

"my you are quite the fine vessel, aren't you?" the woman teased

"vessel?" Dean asked not having heard that term in a while, "uh news flash lady, we stopped the apocalypse. that ship sailed! nobody is anyone vessel anymore, Satan isn't even in this dimension"

"she thinks there's a way to bring Lucifer back" Sam growled

"oh, I don't think, I know of a way," the woman said standing up and pointing at Sarah with her cane, "her."

Dean stared down at the still passed out girl before him, "wait... doesn't she match the description that kid gave us?"

The witch stomped over to dean and kicked him in the stomach hard enough that blood sputtered from his lips when he coughed.

"DEAN!" Sam yelled pulling his at his restraints, "don't touch him! I. will. Kill. You!" Sam said threw gritted teeth

"hahahah" the old woman cackled taking the tip of her cane and giving it a good twist. The head of the hook cane popped off and pulled out into a small dagger, "no you won't actually. I am going to drag your body down to Purgatory with me and you are going to say yes to Lucifer so that he can take his bride and rule over this world with his son by his side." She said going over to Dean who was still catching his breath, "but I don't want any unexpected company so- "

"if you touch him you'll be braking my deal with Sam" a small voice spoke up.

Sarah's head pulsed in pain as she stared down the scene in front of her, the old woman stopped and looked at Sarah confused.

"you shouldn't be awake?" the old woman said.

"and you should be dead I guess were both disappointed mistress" Sarah spoke clearing her voice

"hm" Mistress humming in amusement, "you think I truly believe that you made a deal with Sam Winchester? I highly doubt that, nice try"

"it was in the impala, we kissed. If you kill Dean you're braking our deal"

Mistress froze for a moment grinding her teeth and turned to look at the red headed witch, "is there any way you can prove this?" she sneered

The witch looked angry and frustrated, "I cast a spell in the bar to help distract them, it was truly only to peak their curiosity but... if two people who are attracted to one another come into the spell their bodies are flooded with lust..." the red head explained

"go on"

"the prophecy said that the two would understand their love at first kiss, so it is possible they shared a kiss in a deal and then my spell made their emotions higher around each other. Little brother Sam is already in love with Hells bride" the witch sneered

Another White Eyed Demon- Supernatural FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang