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"how are you feeling?" the blond-haired man asked placing a cold hand on Sarah's forehead.

Sarah opened her eyes squinting into a bight light that dangled above her. Looking around Sarah remained confused, the room she was in consisted of a medical bed and a large light coming from what seemed to be nowhere.

Groaning Sarah turned over her hair falling around her shoulders as she pushed herself up and came face to face with a man she didn't know.

"who are you?" she asked dazed as her eyes raked over the man's handsome face.

He smiled his teeth white matching his skin, his yellow hair tousled in a cute boyish way trickled down into to stubble on his chin. His piercing blue eyes transfixed on the girl in front of him.

"I ask you how you are feeling," he said sweetly with a hint of dominance.

Sarah felt compelled to answer as she thought about her current state, "I feel. I feel fine?" she said confused. Thinking back, she remembered running into Sam and then releasing her power. Usually when that happens her body is wrecked, like she was in a bad car accident.

"good, I healed you," the man said with a smile

"who are you?" Sarah asked again blinking twice as she looked him over.

He was tall, not as tall as Sam but maybe as tall Dean, with blue eyes and an angular face. A blush crept on her face as Sarah released how handsome he was. He wore blue jeans and a grey tank top with a baby blue button-down opened completely and worn more like a cardigan.

Tucking his hands into his pocket the man shrugged, "I'm just here to help," he spoke softly.

"that's not really an answer," Sarah said with a frown

The man chuckled pulling a hand from his pocket he wagged a finger at her, "I knew you'd be a handful," he mused, "you can call me Nick,"

"Nick?" Sarah said tilting her head to the side

"you don't like Nick?"

"its just a little underwhelming is all," Sarah said with a shrug. There was an aura about him that reeked of danger and yet Sarah felt drawn to that same presence all the same. "where am I?"

"ah, yes that," the man said, "you head mostly," he explained taking a step closer to her as Sarah sat on her knees in the medical bed, "I wanted to make sure you were okay," he smiled

Sarah's eyebrows came together forming a strong crease on her forehead, "why is that?"

"Woah!" Nick said taking a step back with his hands up, "if looks could kill right?" he teased getting nowhere, "alright you want the truth?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't," Sarah snapped

"watch it," the man growled sending out his pressing energy into the room, the lights dimmed slightly at his agitation and the air turned cold like ice, "I'm here because someone upstairs wants to help you,"

"help me?"

"that's right," the man said stepping closer again and taking Emma chin into his hand, "help you get rid of the devil of course," he said dragging his thumb across Sarah's l bottom lip, "I was told to keep you safe, so I healed you. I believe most people say thank you now," the man condescended

Sarah's eyes softened but remained suspicious as she looked up to the man, "thanks," she stated simply.

"that's wasn't so hard was it?" he said whispering in her ear.

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