Help me

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"help me," Sam yelled crashing his knees to the floor as he pushed down on the bleeding wounds.

Dean furrowed his brow and shook his head holding his hands out as if he was saying stop, "hold on, we are helping her? Weren't we hunting her?"

"it's a long story Dean, but right now we need her," Sam said staring up at his brother with those pleading puppy dog eyes.

Dean pushed his instincts to the side and picked up the girl in his arms like a bride. The two brothers ran to the top floor of the bar and kicked open the door. Sam was more frantic than usual as he ripped open the car door and slid into the backseat. Dean passed Sarah to Sam laying her soft curls over his lap and tucking her feet from the car door. Running around the car Dean hopped into the driver's seat and roared the vehicle to life with the twist of a key.

"where are we going?" Dean shouted back to his little brother

"hotel," Sam said pressing down on Sarah's stomach as hard as he could.

Sarah's face looked pale as her blood ran from her body pooling in the cracks of the leather furnished seats.

"you took her to the hotel?" Dean questioned stepping on the gas.

"Yeah Dean, is this really the time to talk about this?" Sam barked

Dean shook his head turning on two wheels into the hotel. Helping his brother Dean picked Sarah up and ran into their room while Sam opened the door.

As soon as the door was shut, however, Dean tossed Sarah onto the bed unbuttoning his now torn and bloody shirt. Sam ran to his duffle rummaging inside the army green bag for his first aid kit. Finding the little white box, Sam pulled it to his chest and turned around to see Dean hovering over Sarah with his head cocked to the side.

"what are you doing you need to keep the pressure on her or else she- "Sam cut himself off as he looked down at Emma's bare chest and stomach. Her skin was snow white and covered in blood but no longer bleeding, in fact, the large gashes she gave herself no longer existed.

Dean looked up at his brother, "what is this?" Dean asked sounding angry

Sam shook his head," I don't know- "

"no" Dean interrupted, "no because every time some girl associated with Lucifer shows up shit goes nuts. You know what this is? It's another Ruby. And you are not going down this road Sammy," Dean concluded

"you don't even know the whole story," Sam protested

Suddenly Emma eyes shot open and she took a large gulp of air before jutting out of bed and onto her feet. Sam and Dean froze watching Sarah's back as she turned her face back to them.

The once beautiful and innocent face was now mutilated into that of a beast. Her eyes glowed as if her brain were the sun, her teeth snapped and snarled, her nails turned black and sharpened to a point like a needle.

"Sarah," Sam said taking a cautious set towards her.

Sarah turned her head to the side watching Sam like a wolf watching its prey. However, when Dean reached for the knife tucked into the back of his combat boots Sarah lunged for his neck crashing the two of them against the wall.

Dean pushed against her, but despite her size, she was abnormally heavy, fast, and frightening. Sam looked around the room for a solution when he eyed the silver case Sarah owned resting next to Deans backpack.

Grabbing the case, Sam clicked it open to show rows and rows of syringes filled with a gold liquid. Grabbing one from the top row Sam leaped over the bed and shoved the needle into Sarah's neck.

Almost instantly Sarah's eyes returned to their crystal blue color, her nails shortening to an average length, and her teeth slid back into her gums resting in a typical human fashion.

Sarah's body once again went limp in Deans arms, her head resting just under his chin while he caught his breath.

"Yeah," Sam said, "you really are going to want to hear this,"

Another White Eyed Demon- Supernatural FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin