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Sarah sat in her room steam practical shooting from her red ears, "what a dick," she said to herself.

A knock on her door took her from her thoughts of finding a razor and shaving her name in the side of Deans head, the thought alone made her giggle wickedly to herself.

"come in!" Sarah said pulling her feet from the floor onto the bed.

Sam stepped in with a sympathetic smile on his rugged face, "hey," he said softly

"if you're here to tell me to say sorry to your brother I'm afraid you're wasting your breath," Sarah huffed

Sam shook his head, "no," he chuckled pushing back a few strands of hair from his face, "he was a dick,"

Sarah smiled a little, "I figured he would be," she said softly, "after all I know how much he hates monsters,"

Sam nodded, "I don't think you're a monster," Sam said sitting on the bed next to Sarah, "listen I didn't just come in here to talk about Dean. There's a case, I want you to come with us on it,"

Sarah's ears perked up, "you really think for one second that dean will let me go?"

Sam shook his head, "no but ill talk to him, he isn't always an ass."

Sarah nodded, "alright," she said softly curling her feet under her to sit on her knees and ankles.

Sam furrowed his brow and brought his hand up to her forehead, "how are you feeling?" he asked

Sarah looked at Sam and furrowed her brow in confusion, "what?" she asked softly looking into Sams puppy dog eyes, "what did you say?"

Sam chuckled, "I asked how are you feeling?

"I feel. I feel fine," Sarah answered a wash of Déjà vu flooding her veins.

"is everything okay?" Sam said taking note of Sarah's odd face

"yeah I just, I had a strange dream is all, and you sound like the man from my dream," she said

"what all happened in your dream?" Sam said dropping all playfulness in his voice

Sarah shook her head, "you know I don't really remember," she said, "it was just a dream, anyway right?"

Sarah and Sam shared a smile, "well are you hungry?" Sam asked standing up to offer his hand to Sarah.

Sarah took his hand happily and jumped to her feet, "I'm starving!" she shouted taking off out the door clutching Sams hand in her own.

Weaving expertly down the hall Sarah finally found the dining room where Dean was setting out food on a table. Sarah's mouth watered at the sight.

"can I help!" she shouted excitedly as she ran up to grab a plate and set it at the table, "dean you sit here, normally right?" she asked putting his plate at the end of the table and then one on the other side, "and Sam is here,"

"how do you know all this?' Dean asked putting down some pot holders before setting a hot glass dish down containing meatloaf.

"well I know everything about you guys," Sarah said, "well maybe not everything, but a lot,"

Sam shrugged when his brother gave him a 'really?' look before turning back to see Sarah putting a plate down next to Sam.

"how do you know so much?" Dean asked

"I read the supernatural books, it was part of our studies. And then other demons who you sent to purgatory would tell us thins we couldn't read about in the books, and how to fight against you," Sarah said sitting down at the table

Another White Eyed Demon- Supernatural FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora