Road Trip

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The next morning Sarah woke up early and walked into the dining room rubbing her sleepy eyes as she let out a yawn.

"tired?" Sam asked looking up from his newspaper as he sipped on his coffee mug

"mmm" Sarah growled not in the mood for conversation

"wow," Dean said, "she's grumpier than you Sammy,"

Sarah rolled her eyes and sat down on a chair folding her arms, so she could rest her head on the table. Dean walked over with a plate setting it down in front of her. Sam eyed his brother's small act of kindness smiling behind the printed pages of the paper.

Sarah rose up looking at the mountain of scrambled eggs and bacon.

The smell filled her nose filling her soul, then Dean sat down an odd-looking cup that had a fancy handle pouring a black liquid into the cup.

"what's that?" she asked pointing at the cup Dean gave her.

"Oh right, uh, it's coffee. Careful it's hot," he said with a smile as Sarah frowned at the drink

"I don't trust it," she growled pushing out her bottom lip in a pout

"what? Why?" Dean asked half insulted

"last time I had a drink you guys like I almost died it was so gross," Sarah said pushing the cup away

Sam snorted, "just try it, if you don't like it you can put milk and sugar in it until you do," he explained

"this sounds like a trick," Sarah said squinting her eyes down on the taller brother, "if it is you'll be sorry, I know where you sleep, and I've read all the books I know all the pranks, and you'll get it!"

Sam bust out laughing setting his newspapers down, "just try it,"

Sarah took two fingers pointing at her eyes and then flicking them back at him as if to say, 'I'm watching you.'

Sarah picked up the cup, it smelled good at least, slowly she bowed on the hot liquid before taking a small sip, "I knew this was a trick," she choked, "it's so bitter,"

Dean rolled his eyes and walked over to a cabinet setting down a cup of milk and a few cubes of Sugar. Taking Sarah's cup, Dean poured in a hefty amount of milk and three sugars.

"Jesus Dean," Sam said watching the sugar dissolve from across the table

"what it's like that same amount Starbucks uses and I bet she would love that," he said shrugging, "okay now try it again,"

Sarah marveled over the change of color, the black water how looked a calming light brown, taking a deep breath as she prepared herself for the bitterness of the coffee only to be surprised by the sweetness.

"its good!" she said happily

Dean shrugged with a cocky smile at his brother. A twitch of jealousy pinged in Sams' heart seeing her smile up at Dean. Clenching his jaw for a moment, Sam looked back at his paper.

Sarah ate her food, "this is even better than yesterday!" she shouted

Sams' eyes turned a little dark, sure he had asked Dean to be nicer, but now she was being cute with him.

'she's mine' he thought before snapping out of it shaking his head free of the thought, 'what is wrong with me?' he asked himself.

The rest of breakfast went smoothly as they ate.

"Alright, you guys ready?" Dean said picking up his plate

"sir yes sir!" Sarah barked standing to her feet with her own dishes, "Sam can I take yours too?"

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