Take Her With Us

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Sam spent the rest of the day telling Dean everything Sarah had told him. After that Sam turned his attention to Emma covering her up and tucking her into Sam's bed so she could rest comfortably.

Dean watched his brothers every move shaking his head when saw Sam tucking a strand of hair behind Emma's ear.

"are you serious?" Dean sighed standing up from the tacky chair he was sitting in, "you really don't think she is another ruby? Doesn't this all sound to close to home?"

Sam took a deep breath, "if all she wanted was to free Lucifer why would she try so hard to run from him," Sam asked gently feeling his brother's annoyance

"because Sammy look at you!" Dean said tossing his hands to the side, "tucking her in, fixing her hair. You like her, and you don't even know her. How do we know if she didn't cast a spell on you or something? You said you kissed her and things got funky right?"

"she was terrified of me when I did that," Sam protested

"or she was acting," Dean rebutted

Sam took a deep breath and ran his hand behind his neck, "Alright, so what, we just leave her here?"

Dean clapped his hands to gather and walked over towards his bags, "now you're talking Sammy,"

"Dean!" Sam said exasperated.

Dean turned around shrugging his shoulders, "what?"

"what if you are wrong, what if she is telling the truth and we just abandoned the key to Lucifer in a hotel huh? And then some demon or whatever takes her back, and we just handed over Lucifer's boat ride to our world again?"

Dean sat down on the bed running his fingers through his hair, "and what if I am right and we just let in Lucifer's loyal bride, and she somehow tries to get you to say yes to Lucifer. You heard her yourself she was raised to be your perfect girl, not only that you have been acting weird since we got back, and you know it" Dean concluded

Sam nodded, "alright, you're right. Either way I think her being with us is the safest option, besides I would never say yes Lucifer. No matter what girl asked me to,"

Dean made a tsk noise with his teeth and stood up pointing at his brother, "okay we will take her with us," Dean started internally flinching when he saw how happy those words made Sam, "but if I see anything, I mean anything suspicious she's gone. No questions, nothing. I'm in charge here. Got it?"

Sam nodded, "got it,"

Dean nodded to himself over and over as he wrapped his mind around the new situation thrust at the brothers. Grabbing his clothes Dean began packing away his things. Sam was putting together a small pocket on his own duffle bag for Sarah's items.

"SAMMY!" Dean yelled from the bathroom, Sam jumped up to his feet bolting for his brother only to stop at the door and stare dumbfoundedly at his Dean.

Dean licked his lips and pointed to the towel rack where Sarah had previously hung her clothing after washing them in the sink.

The white lace intimates caused Sams face to burn bright red, "oh, uh she had to wash her clothes I guess..."

Dean rolled his eyes and grabbed the clothes from the rack hiding his own scarlet cheeks and handed them to Sam. Sam snatched them for Deans hand and tossed them into his bag while dean collected their toiletries.

Glancing over Sarah's eyes remained shut and her body motionless. If it weren't for her chest moving from breathing she would look like a body. Her skin was naturally ghost white, and her black curly hair made her look like snow white if snow white had an hourglass-like her.

Sam thought back about what she had told him, that her body was basically a test run on what worked best for birthing the child of Lucifer. How her hair was blond and curly just like jess underneath the black box dye.

Dean watched his brother silently from the other bathroom door, worried about the effect this girl already had on his brother. Sam moved over to Sarah and scooped her up hotel blankets and all. Dean showed himself, pretending he wasn't just spying and picked up the boy's bags opening the front door with his foot.

The boys loaded everything up, Sam slipping Sarah into the back of the Impala to rest on the dried blood she had secreted before.

Dean shut the trunk finally and moved to the driver's side, looking back at Sarah curled into a ball in his back seat.

"you're cleaning that," Dean grumbled shutting the door and turning on the car.

Sam nodded his head and slouched down in the seat of the car as they pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main roads.

The drive was going to long and probably take all night before they reached the bunker, Sam prayed Sarah would stay asleep, not to piss off his brother any more than Dean already was.

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