I Like the Way you Think Sammy

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Sam squinted his eyes down at the girl, "you're a Demon"

"I am NOT a demon" the girl growled

Sam looked shocked for a moment, 'is she trying to convince me of that or herself' he pondered.

"well you're definitely not a human, so what are you?" Sam asked sternly

"I bet you I could pas every one of your tests and then some, pretty boy" Sarah teased

"alright," Sam said accepting her challenge, "then listen up, we are going to get my brother and then go out to the impala and you" Sam said gesturing towards Sarah with his knife, "are going to take every test we have, if you're so cocky?"

Sarah leaned in close to Sam's face, her sent flooded his nostrils and her breath cast a warm blanket ever his neck as she leaned into his ear, "of course Sammy, but there's one problem" she said leaning back and coming face to face with the younger brother.

Sam furrowed his brow, her lips were so close to Sam's it was making him slightly uncomfortable, but he would never show that.

"what would that be?" he coaxed

"your brother just slipped out the side door with that red head" Sarah smiled

Sam spun around to see Dean was no longer in the bar, Sam let out a huff of air and turned back to the girl who was sitting relaxed against the wall.

"so, my place?" she asked with a cocky smirk Sam couldn't help but find endearing.

"like I'm going to follow you anywhere" he barked

"Listen Sam," Suddenly Sarah froze, and her pupils shrank in fear as she stared at the bar.

Sam looked at her and followed her Gaze to see a man dressed in all black staring the two of them down. Sam turned back to Sarah who kept her eyes on the man at the bar.

"who is that?" Sam asked

"he's a vampire" Sarah said softly

"how do you know that?"

"I can smell it on him, he reeks of blood and human flesh, here he comes," Sarah whispered scooting closer to Sam.

"what?" he asked turning back to see the man slinking his way towards their booth, "all I have is a demon knife" Sarah said, "please tell me you have more."
Sam gave her a sympathetic look of 'we're fucked' he wasn't sure if this girl was truly dangerous to him or not but for now it seemed that the enemy of my enemy is my friend rule was in effect.

The man dressed in black slid into the booth across from Sam and Sarah and flashed his fangs in a cheap scare tactic.

Sam and Sarah seemed unfazed as they stared down the monster, "well, look what we got here, one Winchester, and you. all of hell is lookin for you"

"and they are going to have to keep looking when I walk out of here and you never see me again" Sarah snarled
The vampire chuckled, "well that's up to Sam actually."

"you don't think that my training could beet you?" Sarah asked unamused, "good I like when they underestimate me. Makes it more fun."

"why would that be up to me?" Sam asked simply.

"well, because I am here to trade." The vamp said crossing his arms and sitting back.

"trade?" Sam asked

"right now, your brother is about to court our finest and newest ally of all that is dark and spooky" the Vampire slurred out in his slightly southern accent.

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