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His knock is hard, rough, quick against the door. It causes Sasha to flinch, and I quickly shoo her off to another room. Her bedroom door swings shut with an audible lock, and once I know we won't be bothered any more I open the door. 

Mitchel's in my face immediately, his hand on my cheek and his hand reaching for mine. I flinch toward him, and our fingers join. "I'm so, so sorry." He sighs. "I talked to my brother and I realized how much of a fucking idiot I've been. 'M so sorry, Alexis." 

I take a deep breath. He removes his touch from my body. "It's okay, Mitchel."

"Can we sit and talk? Please?" I nod, gesturing to the couch. He takes a seat, and I follow him onto the black leather after I grab my lemon tea, which is inside a thermos mug. "I'm sorry about this morning. Yeah the yelling and everything was bad, but I should have never tried to force you into an abortion. I'm very sorry."

"Stop apologizing." I take a sip of my tea. It's warm as it travels down my throat into my gut. I take another sip. "We're both still young. We're gonna make mistakes here." He nods. 

"Could I have a drink?" I smile, nodding and standing up to head toward the kitchenette. "Water is fine, thank you." I grab a glass from the cupboard, filling it with some ice and some tap water. When I place it in Mitchel's hands, he smiles and thanks me, taking a sip. "How are you feeling?"

"Good, so far. I'm only like seven weeks." Mitchel looks right at me as I speak. He licks his lips every so often, nodding on occasion. "I've been a lil' bit nauseous, a few cravings....nothing too terrible."

"Alexis?" He asks. His body inches closer to mine; I can't tell if it's intentional or subconsciously. "When are you due?"

"May 16th." Mitty breaks out into a smile. 

"Have you told your mum yet?" He definitely has a thicker accent than I do. He has lived here his whole life, where as I didn't move to Australia from Greece until I was nine. 

"No...I'm too scared." Mitchel sighs, moving towards me again. Our legs are touching, I can see the intricate colors of his eyes from this angle. 

"It'll be okay." Mitchel says. "You can come back to Cairns with me if you want. Or Adelaide. Wherever you wanna go. Because no matter what've got me."

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