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"Good morning, sunshine." Mitchel mumbles from behind me, placing his lips on the back of my neck. I groan, my body aching from sharing a too-small bunk with Mitchel all night. This will be the routine for the next two weeks as the boys conduct their first proper Australian headliner. After thinking about it for a long while together, Mitty decided it would be better to bring me along than to leave me at home alone, in a city I don't know, where I know no people. So every morning I'm woken up by the strong smell of coffee, the sunlight in my eyes, and the feeling of Mitchel's arms wrapped securely around my bump. 

I turn over to face him, smiling as his lips land on my nose. I'm not exactly sure where I am, but the bus has come to a stop. Last night the soft movements along the highway lulled me to sleep within Mitchel's arms, but this morning the bus is wrecked with only chaos. The familiar scent of coffee fills the air, and I know it will linger in the bus for much longer. Jesse and Clinton are yelling at each other, and I can vaguely hear Christian playing video games. Mitchel however, is calm as he lays next to me, holding my body tight against his own. "We both know it's time to get up." I groan, throwing an arm over my own eyes as the world is just too bright

"Yeah," Mitchel says breathily. "But I don't want to." I don't fight the matter, and curl up against his chest. Mitchel's arms latch around my shoulders, and I lean into his warmth. I close my eyes, lightly kissing his chest before I find myself falling back asleep. 

When I wake up again, I'm alone and the bed is cold. I whimper to myself, pulling the duvet tighter around my body. I peek out my window, seeing the streets already flooded with people coming to see the boys tonight. I guess it's around four, considering how the bus has quieted. Everybody is probably in the venue already, but I have no idea how I'll get in. I'm showing no matter what I wear at this point, and with a crowd of people outside, there's no way I'll be able to slip into a venue, especially after Mitty and I have been seen together previously. 

I sigh, moving out of the bunk and walking toward the kitchenette. I take a seat, picking up a small sheet of pink paper on the table in front of me. 

hey babes

sorry i didn't wake you, you looked so peaceful. make sure you have somethin to eat. i'll have somebody come get you when the crowds clear out. stay safe, give me a ring if you need. 

-mitty xo 

I grab a mug, popping a lemon and ginger tea K-Cup in the Keurig machine. As I wait for it to brew, I grab myself a muffin and scroll through Twitter. People are bustling as the news of Mitchel and I spreads. People aren't even sure we're in a relationship, I'm  not even sure we are at this point. Whatever we are, I'm happy with it. We don't need a label as long as we're both happy and comfortable with each other. 

My tea is done, and I grab the mug, smiling as the steam touches my face. I sit down at the table, continuing to scroll through social  medias and reading everything circling about Mitty and I. My tea is warm, and spreads heat throughout my chest. It's November now, spring is ripping through Australia. I can't wait for Christmas, however. Although we may not get the wintry, chilled Christmas the States do, it's still my favorite holiday. The festivities still bustle through the cities, and although we wear shorts and tank tops on Christmas day, I almost prefer it. 

My babies are due May 16th, at the end of Autumn. I'll probably go early, but it'll still be autumn at least. That's when Australia is at it's most beautiful. I can't wait to bring life into the world at the point when life is bustling through Cairns and the rest of the country. 

I smile as my phone buzzes, a text from Mitchel. I don't have time to read what it says before Mitchel's entering the bus and pulling me into his arms. I hug him back tightly, breathing in his familiar scent. He smells like buttercream and mint. I'm not sure where he acquires the aroma, but I find it comforting. "I missed you too much," Mitty hums, putting his chin on top of my head before my kissing my hair. 

"I missed you too, Mitchy." I laugh, kissing him gently and smiling. I feel happy, but he always makes me feel that way. Mitty's lips press against my cheek, and he pulls me closer to him. 

I don't know what I did to deserve this life, but I'm so happy about it. I realize how lucky I am to have fallen into this situation, but I couldn't be more grateful for this to be my baby daddy. 

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