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"Stay with me." Mitchel says, snapping his fingers  in front of my face. I'm not sure where I am, and everything's too bright to figure it out. "Here, here I got you some water." I'm trying to focus, but everything's blurry. I reach out for Mitty, but he redirects my grasp to the cup in his hand. "Come on, drink, you're scaring me."

"Mitty," I whine, trying still to get everything around me to clear up. I don't know where I am, what's around me. I can barely make out Mitchel's blurry figure in front of me, guiding a cup to my lips. The liquid is cold as it goes down my throat. He helps me drink more, and I'm vaguely aware of his hand on my hip. 

"You're doing good...keep drinking." I close my eyes as I take another sip. My surroundings are starting to scare me....with the blurriness and confusion of it all. 

I hear a new voice. "Should we take her?" 

"No, give her some time. Alexis? You still doing okay?" The cup is pulled away from my mouth and I nod. Mitchel's hand on my hip starts moving downward, resting on my thigh with his fingers sprawled across it. 

"Mitty." I wrap my hand around his wrist. "Mitty, where are we?" I open my eyes now. Things look a bit clearer. I still can't make out my surroundings, but bits and pieces are beginning to slot into place.

"We're in Brisbane. We had to make an emergency landing, you passed out." His hand moves from my thigh to my face, pushing a few strands of hair from out of my eyes and resting on my cheek for a few seconds before dropping once more. 

"I did? Oh, I'm sorry." Mitchel moves closer, guiding me to take another sip of the drink.

"Don't worry about it. You aren't in trouble or anything." I drink some more, closing my eyes again. When I open them again, I realize where I am. We're sitting in another airport gate. Mitchel looks extremely concerned and worried in front of me, his chest rising and falling quickly. Two medical workers sit on the ground next to me, one of them passing me a granola bar to eat. "Your blood sugar is way too low. We've gotta watch that, okay?" I nod, feeling awful for the commotion I've caused. "Good, I don't want you passing out on me again, that shit's scary." He finally cracks a smile. I take a bite of my granola bar and he removes his hand from my face. 

"Are we gonna be able to get to Cairns?"

"In a little bit, yeah. We'll get on another flight once you're better." I nod, bringing my legs up to sit criss-crossed on the seat. Little is spoken as I continue to drink, this time from a water bottle, and eat my granola bar. The airport is noisy as always. People run around, desperate to catch their flight. Some people going by are in suits or fancy dresses. Others are in sweatpants or pajama bottoms. When you fly, nobody really cares what you look like. 

"I feel better." I say to Mitty once my granola bar is gone and I've drank half of my water.

"Let's keep you sitting for just a little longer." Instead of moving to the empty seat beside me, Mitchel remains crouched down in front of me. His eyes are still filled with worry and panic. 

"Can I eat after this? Real food?" Mitchel lets out a little laugh. 

"Sure, love. Whatever you want."

"I want Krispy Kreme." My stomach rumbles at the thought. The incredible donuts, the filling which is to die for

"Okay then," He laughs. "I'll be sure we get you some Krispy Kreme."

***A/N: hey guys. sorry it's a short one but i hope you're all enjoying the book so far! i love writing it so i hope you all love reading it. comment suggestions if you have any, and my DMs are always open for any suggestions, comments, or just hate if you wanna be an asshole. anyways....hope you're liking this book. it's only the beginning for alexis and mitchel.


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