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"It's very nice out here." I hum, the lush grass tickling the back of my legs. "I need to do this more often."

"You keep saying that...I promise we will." Mitchel says from behind me, his arms around my waist. 

We're sat underneath the Weeping Willow Tree in the middle of the garden Christian takes so much pride in. It shades us from the intense Australian sun, and it's significantly cooler in the tree's shade. Mitchel and I are sharing ham and cheese sandwiches as I take in all my surroundings. I feel like a kid in a candy store trying to absorb the details of the flowers all around us. Wild ones native to Australia grow, entangled in the grass I'm sitting on. The others are planted by Christian, who was just out here at seven this morning watering them. He waters them three times a day now that it's summer and we've entered a drought. 

Some of the plants, like the poppies, are in hanging pots off the awning of the house. Lilacs and Lillies are surrounded by rocks in their own flower beds on either side of the walkway. Behind the tree he grows yellow tulips and roses―both white and pink. The Willow Tree is the central point of it all. When you enter the backyard, it's the first thing you notice. It compliments the rest of the beautiful garden well. While it takes alot of time, it appears that Christian's hard work is paying off here in the garden. 

"Make sure you're drinking enough." Mitchel reminds me gently, producing a half-empty bottle from next to my hip. "It's a warm day...I don't want you getting dehydrated." I take large gulps of the water, and when it's gone Mitty hands me a glass of lemonade. It's the perfect summer day. Out here, it's quiet besides the sound of a few nearby neighborhood kids jumping in and out of a pool. It's just my love and I, underneath our own little paradise that is the Willow Tree. He's sipping on a Sprite and myself the glass of lemonade. A light breeze rips through the air. It is calm. 

Mitchel tightens his arms around my waist. He rests his chin on my shoulder, humming a tune I don't recognize. It's a nice moment we're sharing. His hands roam my stomach, and immediately kicks start up. I giggle. The slightest touch from Mitchy makes my twins excited, they always begin kicking right away. I smile. They're going to love their daddy as much as I do. 

"How's your headache?" He mutters, kissing my neck for only a moment. 

"Better." I say while taking a sip of my lemonade. "I was probably just dehydrated."

"Yeah," He says. "You've gotta watch that." 

"I know," I sigh, leaning back further into him. Mitchel's hands continue to rub around my stomach, and although the kicks into my stomach aren't comfortable, I don't mind. Mitty's whole face is lit up every time he feels one of the jabs against my skin, and I don't want to ruin his moment of happiness. 

"They're gonna be so tiny," He says with a slight giggle. 

"Yeah, Mitchy." I laugh. "That's kind of the point of a baby."

He goes to speak, but before he can Christian's in the backyard yelling for both of us.  "Hm?" I barely hum, looking up to him. 

"Mum's here, guys." Christian says, smile never leaving his face. Mitchel gives off a slight gasp from behind me. 

"Mum?" He asks. When I turn my head, a smile is wide across his face. "Oh! Mum! Mum's here! C'mon, Alexis! She'll love you...c'mon!" Mitchel stands up before taking my hands and carefully helping me to my feet. He lowers me down slowly into my wheelchair, kissing my forehead before grabbing the arms of the chair. 

He moves me throughout the house into the kitchen, where he picks me up. I expect him to set me down on a barstool, but Mitty simply holds me in his arms. I'm up to 79 kgs now, but he can still hold me. 

"Hi Mum!" Mitchel yells, giving her a quick, one-armed hug. "It's so nice to see you again!" 

"You look lovely, Mitchel." She hums, lightly touching the back of one of her hands to his cheek. "You must be Alexis," She says turning to me. "I'm Biddi. I've heard so much about you."

"Same's lovely to finally meet you." I feel Mitchel's hold on my side tighten slightly. 

"May I?" She asks, hand hovering over my bump. 

"Of course!" I smile, leaning my head onto Mitchel's shoulder. Biddi's hand lightly touches my stomach. Her touch is different than Mitchel's; gentler and she remains in one place. I look up to Mitchel, and place my lips lightly to his jaw.

"I can't believe I'm gonna be a grandma." She laughs.

"Yeah...well neither of us can believer we're going to be parents either, Mum." Mitty sighs, turning to capture my lips for a quick kiss. "We're just out here winging it, really."

"Well, I know you'll both do great." I smile, thanking her. Mitchel places me back down in my chair as he wanders about the kitchen; grabbing me a mug of ginger tea and Biddi a glass of ice water. When he returns to my side, I can't help the yawn that escapes my lips. It's only four in the afternoon, but I haven't been sleeping well lately. I can no longer sleep on my back or my side due to the giant bump I'm carrying around, and I'm up multiple times a night to go to the bathroom. I usually wake Mitchel up with me, so I know he must be getting sleepy as well.

"Mitchy?" I ask, tugging on the sleeve of his white jumper. "Can I go sleep for a bit?"

"Yeah, yeah. Do you want me to join you?" I nod, and Mitchel excuses himself from the conversation to bring both of us upstairs. He ends up shutting the bedroom door once we're inside, and he begins helping me undress. My jeans come off first, then my tank top and bra. I catch him staring for a moment before he pulls his own shirt off and helps me into a nightshirt. His lips attach to my neck, sucking at the skin whilst he mutters how beautiful I look. I hum, grabbing the back of his neck, already sensing where this will lead. 

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