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Mitchel stands awkwardly against the wall. I'm next to him, but I'm calmer. I'm familiar here, he's not. I've lived between these walls for ages, he's not comfortable here. The whole group is here, piled onto the same fucking bed because I never said we were a smart bunch. There's 12 I think. The number is always changing. Nobody ever seems to leave, but we're kinda just pulling new people in and then they never leave. 

"Hey," I sigh. Jacob gestures his head toward Mitty. 

"The fuck?" He asks, with a slight laugh. I sigh. Mitchel looks over at me, gnawing at his bottom lip. His eyes drop down my body, then meet mine again. 

"Guys," I take a deep breath. "I can explain."

"Please, do." Billie groans, popping her bubblegum and gesturing for me to get on with it. We never got along, but that's how it works in a friend group this large. It's like one big, fucked up dysfunctional family. We may not always get along,  but you can't just get rid of someone unless they fuck up....bad. That's only happened one time, and hopefully history won't repeat. 

"Everyone knows that when Sasha and I went to Adelaide, we went to a club there, right?"  A few heads nod. Sasha bites her lip. When I glance over to Mitty, his bottom lip is between his teeth and he's looking straight to his shoes. He looks nervous. I don't blame him. "This is Mitchel. We met that night and uh..." I glance to the braided boy next to me and back to my group of idiot friends on the bed. "Guys, I'm pregnant." 

Mitchel reaches for my arm quickly, grasping my wrist just enough to have control, but not enough to hurt. It feels as if he's looking to protect me as his fingers dance lightly over my skin. They're feathery, just barely brushing against my inner wrists as he looks dead ahead to my friend group, both of us waiting for a reaction.

"No way." Jacob is the first to speak, letting out a scoff as he does. "Alexis."

"I'm sorry." This seems to hurt worse than the rejection of my parents. I expected that one. I anticipated the explosion and the fights that endured. Here I expected nothing but love, acceptance and open arms. I thought wrong. 

"I can't believe this." Becca throws her hands up before leaning back into Sean, who's just shaking his head. Everybody seems angry...until they don't.

Adam, Lillie, and Gia clamber through the mess of bodies, all hugging me tightly and greeting Mitchel. It's only a brief introduction before hugs are exchanged. I notice things becoming heated on the bed, small arguments breaking out and angry words behind hurled at me. Mitchel grabs my side, pulling me toward the door. "You all have my number if....if something changes." I sniffle with the words, and then Mitchel pulls me out of Jacob's bedroom, down the set of stairs I know all too well, and out the door. I never thought a place I felt so safe and comfortable in could become one filled with anger and hate. Out of all the people in my life, I expected them to welcome and accept me more than anything. God, I was wrong. 

"It's okay." Mitchel says softly, pulling me into a tight hug as soon as we're outside. The sun is setting behind us, painting the gravel below our feet shades of pinks and purples. "I'm really, really sorry that just happened." 

I try not to break. I try not to let the tears spill from my eyes all over Mitchel's white sweater. I try to keep my hands from shaking. I try to control my breathing so it doesn't skip and jump with every tremor that rips through my body. I fail. My body breaks against Mitchel, my shoulders caving in and my whole body convulses, violently jerking with each of the audible sobs that leaves my throat. Tears pour down my face. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, but it's no use. 

"Aw," Mitchel sighs. "C'mon, it's okay. Let's get out of here."

"Mitchel!" I scream, not meaning to but I'm upset, and my brain knows no other way to react. "I have nowhere to go! My parents don't want me, and there's probably some big fucking crazy party tonight that Sasha's gonna be at."

"Hey," Mitchel nudges me off of him, grabbing my face in his hand and forcing me to look toward him. "I've got a hotel. If you feel comfortable, you're more than welcome there." 

"Do I even have a choice?" I crack a smile finally, looking up toward Mitty as his hand drops from my face. He shakes his head lightly.

"Nah," Mitchel laughs. "Just thought I'd be a gentleman and give you the option." I smile again. We walk down Jacob's driveway toward my car, which he drives since my eyes are still clouded from all the crying that just occurred. 

"When do you leave for Cairns again?" I ask as Mitchel pulls onto the highway. I don't look at him as I wait for a response, my gaze fixated out the window. Colors zip by, mostly green and brown hues. Downtown Sydney is full of shiny buildings, bustling streets, and a glistening waterfront. This part of Sydney on the outskirts are mostly banana plantations and potato plants. I'm assuming Mitchel's hotel is downtown, because that's the direction he's taking us in. 

"Tuesday I think. So like....five days." 

"Mitchel? I don't have any clothes. They're all back at my parents'."

"Don't worry about it." He shoots me a small smile before focusing himself back on the road. "It's taken care of." I let out a sigh, propping my head up against my hand. 

"I'm due for a scan next week. My 8 week one."

"We'll get it worked out." He glances over at me once again. "Just relax, Alexis. You're in good hands, trust me."

"Yeah," I scoff. "Cause that sounds convincing."

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