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"Calm down," Mitchel mutters, his arms around me as I sob onto his shoulder. "Alexis." He sighs, tightening his hold on me. "It's okay. Calm down, I'm right here." 

"Mitchel, I didn't think they'd do it!" I cry harder, pushing my body closer against him. I'm yearning to feel safe. Right now, my whole body is convulsing in violent shakes and tremors. I have no idea what I'm going to do. All my stuff is stuck inside that house, things I need, but I can't go back. Maybe Sasha can grab some stuff for me, but with how things just unfolded I doubt they'll let her in. I'm completely stranded with only the clothes on my back and the things in my small car. 

"Come back to Cairns with me, Alexis." Mitchel sighs. "I'll take care of you. I promise."

"Mitty, I don't know." I pull back a little bit, enough where I can see his face, but keep myself in his grasp. "I....I have so much going for me in Sydney right now. I've got school, an incredible group of friends. I'm supposed to graduate, Mitchel."

"You can graduate in Cairns!" His yelling is not in anger. He's calm.  "I'm really sorry but I don't have a place here in Sydney."

"Would you stay for me if you had a place to?" He sighs.


"We need to think about this." I lean in, pressing my head against his chest. 

"Don't worry." Mitchel smiles down at me. "We'll figure this all out."

It's the next day. I'm laying on Sasha's floor, the sun in my eyes as it peaks through the curtains. I know with the baby gestating inside me I shouldn't be sleeping on the floor, but it wasn't intentional. I remember drinking from my water bottle, swaying from side to side cross-legged on the floor while a Monkees vinyl spun in the distance, and now I'm waking up. 

Today, although a Friday, is some teacher development bullshit so we have off. Today is the day the rest of the gang finds out about the little secret nestled in my womb. It's bustling inside of me more and more every day, growing and developing with every breath I take. I'm conscious of it now; careful of the way I carry myself and reading every ingredient on the nutrient label. I'm aware of my surroundings, of what's in every drink I ingest (especially with my friend group). I'm aware of who I am, who I'm becoming. 

I pick myself up off Sasha's floor, grabbing my clothes and heading for her bathroom. The thought crosses my mind that Mom will be mad I didn't come home last night, until I remember why I was on Sasha's floor. Because I had no where else to go.

I text Mitchel 'good morning', but see he's already messaged me that he'll see me at Jacob's with my coffeehouse order at 11. It's nine now. I have enough time to shower, get dressed, and arrive at his house before Mitchel. My friend group has no idea of his existence yet, so that'd be a bit hard to explain. 

Once I'm done showering and dressed, I head downstairs. Sasha passes me a banana and an apple juice, then we're out the door.  

***hey guys!! sorry for the short chapter....big things are coming :))))***

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