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Mitchel's been cold with me ever since he found out about the twins. He's spent most of his time in his bedroom with headphones in. Everytime I've tried to speak with him he's shooed me out, ignored me. The most he's spoken to me in the past three weeks is him telling me he doesn't care, to leave him alone, or to leave his room. 

I'm currently sitting in Christian's passenger seat, driving toward the pharmacy. I'm all out of prenatal vitamins, and with twins it's pretty important that I take them. I asked Mitchel to take me, but he just told me to fuck off. I'm getting more and more worried that one day he's gonna snap and he's gonna hit me.

"I really don't know what's up with him." Christian sighs as he parks in the lot of the Alive Pharmacy. 

"I don't either, but I don't like it. I've got another scan next week and I doubt he'll come with." I exit the car, following Christian into the pharmacy. 

"I'll come if you want me to. If you don't wanna go alone." I nod. I'm eleven weeks now, and I'm definitely showing. I'm wearing bigger shirts though, two-sizes-too-large sweaters and size XL t-shirts. My stomach isn't large, but it's noticeable. I haven't allowed Mitchel to see my stomach yet, I'm worried of how he'll react. He's been so crass with me lately. 

Inside the pharmacy, I pick up my vitamins and relish in the air conditioning for a while as Christian picks out some chips and candy he wants. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, and when I pull it out I feel my throat close.

Mitchel: we need to talk when you get home

"Christian," I mutter, pulling on his sleeve. "Mitchel wants to talk when I get home." He sends me a warm smile.

"I'm sure everything is fine." I nod, unable to say anything else before we're at the cashier. 

The drive home is silent. Not even the sound of the radio breaks through the thick air of the car. I'm worried of what's to come when we arrive back home. Luckily, the ocean beside me provides a distraction to the thoughts swirling in my brain. 

We're at the house before I'd like. I grab my vitamins and pass Christian the bag, filled with his snacks as I step out of the car. I walk up to the house, listening to the sound my boots make against the cobblestone beneath me. I grab the doorknob, and instantly Mitchel's hand is around my wrist, pulling me towards the stairs that lead to his room. I stay silent, letting him lead me into his room. He gently pushes me inside, shutting the door and pinning me against it. His hands rest on either side of my stomach. 

And before I can process anything else, his lips come down onto mine. 

I grasp the back of his neck, pulling him closer and kissing back. Mitchel's hands still rest on either side of my small bump, our lips locked together in a moment of pure ecstasy and bliss. He pulls back slowly, our lips disconnecting in a moment of pure joy. His eyes remain shut a few moments more, but when they open once more he's smiling. 

"I'm so sorry, Alexis." He mutters. "I can't wait for this next chapter of my life with you."

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