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Mitchel and I are throwing names at each other, a notepad in between us as he writes down everything either of us say. Most of them have a line through them; as this is harder than both of us thought. Christian likes the name Lillie, after the flower, and I do as well. Clinton likes Riley, but only for a boy. Mitchel is having a hard time deciding, but I know there's a couple that stick out for him. I'm not sure yet...but I do have a few favorites―Karina, Olivia, and Cheyenne. I'm having a hard time with boys names, although I'm aware Mitchel likes Jaxon and Memphis. 

"What are you up to?" Christian asks as he walks into the room. Normally, I'd mind, but today our door was open. Now that it's summer, it's beginning to heat with the door closed the room gets too stuffed up. 

"Trying to decide on some baby names." Mitchel groans, obviously frustrated. We're making a huge decision, and it's hard. "She's already 24 weeks...time's flying and..."

"Oh, don't worry about it." Christian scoffs, waving his hand in the air dismissively. "You'll both be  fine. If you don't need anything I'm gonna head back and help Clinton in the lounge." I nod, and he heads back next door. Mitchel's been staying with me through the whole bedrest ordeal...but the other two have been working relentlessly on the nursery. The nursery is part of the reason why Mitchel and I are rushing to get names done. We'd love to be able to have their names above each of their cribs. I haven't been able to see the nursery yet, but with Mitchel buying all the furniture I'm sure it looks lovely. 

"We've got another appointment tomorrow." Mitchel hums, to remind himself more than me. "Twenty four weeks....can you believe it?"

"No," I sigh, reaching forward to take ahold of his hand. "I'm not ready, Mitchy."

"Hey," He mutters, moving the notepad to the side and scooting closer to me. "You're gonna do amazing, baby."

"I don't know." I sigh, looking down to our entwined hands. He gives mine a squeeze. 

"This happens to everyone." He reassures. "No new parents ever know what they're doing; but it always works out. I's alright to be scared...but once they're here we both know you'll be just fine."

"I don't know where I'd be without you." I sigh, feeling my shoulders drop. A hard kick jabs at my ribcage. "Seriously, babe. How did I get so lucky?" He shrugs.

"I guess we just fell into each other's lives." He says, leaning forward to kiss my cheek.

"Yeah," I decide. "Right when I needed you most." Mitchel smiles, and we share a quick kiss. I'm forced to pull back when the kicking at my stomach becomes more intense. 

"Little active today, huh?" He places his hand on my stomach.

"They get it from their daddy," I smile. "Maybe one day they'll be on a stage jumping around just like you."

"Yeah, maybe," He laughs, rubbing my stomach a little. I know he feels a kick because his whole face lights up and he lets out a laugh. "We can get them into dance or football or something. Put their little legs to use."

A comfortable silence falls over us. The sound of hammering and drilling comes from next door as Clinton and Christian attempt to assemble our nursery furniture, and I can vaguely hear the music they're listening to, though I can't place what it is. Air conditioning and fans sound from every corner of the house, since summers in Australia are anything but pleasant. I wish I could be at the beach, but right now that's not an option. I don't mind, however. Whatever I need to do to keep my babies safe, I will. 

"You look lovely today, sweetheart." Mitchel says, biting his lip as a small groan escapes his mouth. "Every day I get to look at you....can you believe I'm so lucky? You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, oh my god."

"Mitchel," I drag out the word, reveling in the way it feels on my lips as I squeal. My cheeks turn red and I feel my chest heat up as well. 

"It's so fucking true though." He says, eyes wide. "I get to wake up every morning and you're the first thing I see....and it instantly puts me in a good mood. I could be having the worst fucking day, but as soon as I see your face...everything's better." Mitchel grabs my face in both of his hands and kisses me hard. I instantly kiss back. If my heart could smile, it'd be grinning from ear to ear. "I love you," Mitchel mutters as our lips detach, but before I can respond we're locked in a love-filled haze once more. 

"I love you," I breathe once we're apart, his body still hovering over mine. "So much, Mitchy. I love you so much." He smiles before leaning down to kiss my nose. 

"Convenient," He smiles. "Because I love you, too. Always, my babe." I smile at his words.


Mitchel's my forever. We're building a life for ourselves that will last that long. Thought by thought, brick by brick we're building up the love our children will be raised in. We're creating our own safety blanket....our world where the only people who exist being us two and the twins. Nobody else matters. Everything else is superficial; but when it all comes crashing down, these will be the only things I have left.

Every day, we're building more and more of the little place we consider "Always."

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