18: Virgil

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Oof. Just be prepared. That's all I have to say. Enjoy.

  Virgil sighed to himself. He was once again sitting on the dock, dreading the fact he was going to have to head back up to the cabin soon. His mother was a little overbearing to say the least. And it wasn't even because she had hurt Patton. No, this woman was starting to keep tabs on Virgil. She had to know what he was doing almost every minute of every day. She was getting to be over the top.

  But Virgil could do nothing about that. Sure he could try running away but he didn't even know where he was. His phone was in his mother's possession so he had nothing to do. So he often came down to the dock, staring mindlessly at the water.

  "Patton!" A small faint yell reached Virgil's ears. He perked up at the voice. Surely he had to be mistaking, there was no way he had just heard Roman yelling for Patton. "Patton, wait!"

  But there it was again, a faint yell of Roman. Virgil was instantly filled with hope. Were they really here? Did they come to get him from this hell?

  Before Virgil knew it, he was up on his feet. He was running as fast as he could to the cabin. Before he even took two steps his heart was already racing. They couldn't be here, could they?

  But as soon as Virgil realized that if they were here, it would not end nicely. His mother wouldn't allow them here. She could hurt one of them. She could hurt Patton.

  Virgil pushed himself to run faster. He was running faster than he had ever run before, desperate to get back to the cabin before something bad happened. He could hear the yelling starting again, except this time it wasn't anyone calling out someone's name. It was muffled by walls that Virgil were sure were in the way.

  "You think I'm going to let you take my son away from me?" That was surely his mother's voice. Her words and tone made Virgil's insides twist and turn.

"Um yeah, that's kind of what we're here for." Roman stayed plainly. His tone sounded as if he were stating the most obvious thing in the world.

"Roman." Patton said, a warning tone in his voice. Then he spoke again, gently this time. "We just want to see Virgil, make sure he's okay. We all really miss him." Patton's voice sounded off. Something about it, whether it was because he was lying or actually quite scared, Virgil couldn't tell from where he was as he continued to run.

He was just turning the corner, hurrying over to the back door to the cabin when he heard his mother speak once again. "What makes you think he even wants to see you?" Venom filled her voice and she practically spit the words.

"Logan, Roman!" Virgil called, stumbling into the room as he tried to slow down. "Patton!" Virgil just got out the words out as he hit his shoulder off the corner of the wall, having turned the corner too tightly. He fell to the ground, cursing slightly as he did so.

"Virgil!" The three of them all exclaimed happily. Although there was a forth voice in the mix. Virgil didn't realize it at first, but it was Thomas's voice.

Before Virgil knew it, Patton was over at his side. All of them were. They helped him up, making sure he was okay and quickly checking him over. When they noticed there were no major injuries or such, they took a step back, turning their attention to the issue at hand.

"Get away from my son."

  "I don't think that's an option here." Logan said before adjusting his glasses. Virgil couldn't help it as a small smile made its way to his face at that, he really missed his friends. He was so glad they were there.

  But at the same time, worry filled Virgil. Logan's words were not likely to be taken well. Patton had been hit in the head with a teapot for less. Before Virgil even realized what he was doing he took a step forward, almost as if he could somehow manage to shield the four who stood behind him.

  "Virgil, come on, we're leaving." Virgil's mother said, waving Virgil over. She was trying to take the high road, one where no one got hurt. That surprised Virgil. Why would that be?

It wasn't because there were people around. Virgil's mother had chewed him out in the middle of a crowd before. It couldn't be their location, that was little to do with anything. What was it then?

But then Virgil realized it. There were too many people on his side of things. Every time before it has only been him against his mother. One on one and Virgil was never one to talk back. Now though, the tables were turned.

  Knowing that gave Virgil some courage.

  "No." Virgil said, after a moment's hesitation.

  "Pardon?" Her tone was snappy, daring Virgil to repeat himself. To her surprise, after Virgil glanced at his friends, he spoke up again.

  "I said no. I'm not going with you again. All my life I have been doing so, and I've been miserable because of it. I've finally made some friends, who I think actually care for me. I don't want you to take that away. Not again." Virgil said. His heart was racing, not just because he had run from the docks either. His hands were shaking and he was breathing hard. He had just stood up to his mother.

  "Repeat that one more time, I dare you." Her voice was like nothing Virgil had heard before. Her voice was eerily calm, the voice of anger just before they're pushed over the edge.

"I don't think he has to." Roman said. Suddenly an arm went around Virgil's shoulders. Patton was comforting him. The dad like friend gave Virgil a reassuring smile and told him that they all cared about him, that they wouldn't be there if they didn't.

  "You stay out of this!" His mother yelled, finally snapping. She never turned away from Virgil. "I did so much for you, kept you safe and this is how you repay me? You pick this discussing lot over your own mother?"

  "You didn't keep me safe, you isolated me. Kept me from meeting people. The reason I am like I am is because of you. You think that's a good thing? Because I sure as hell don't." Virgil couldn't help it as the words escaped his mouth. This strange sense of courage was something else.

  Virgil's mother looked as if she was ready to flip. Her face was red with anger as she tried to figure out what she could do. It took everything in Virgil not to step back and give in. He would have as well if Patton hadn't had his arm around him.

  "Fine. Fine." She said, not knowing what else to say. "Stay with them, see if I care. Just wait until they toss you away when they find out you have no necklace, no soulmate. No one will ever truly love you."

  Virgil couldn't help but flinch at the words. He had no idea as to how to respond to that. He had no time to do so either. Before he could get any words out, he noticed something. Something that shocked not only him, but Patton as well. Virgil could feel Patton freeze beside him.

  His mother pulled her hair up, going to put it up so it was out of her face. It was odd to watch her do it so angrily, but that's not it. What caught their attention was what fell on her shirt. It had gotten caught in her hair, causing it to lift from under her shirt as she lifted her hair.

A necklace. A necklace that was dark half on the yin and yang symbol.

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