Would It Matter?

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Story: Sasuke lost his family. The date of their family and brothers birthday happens to be today and Sasuke is very depressed. Naruto tries to comfort him.However after revealing what he does Sasuke realizes something he never thought would happen.

Naruto P.O.V

Sasuke has been acting different lately. Its like team seven is history. He hasn't shown up to any meetings or missions. Whenever I talk to him he yells at me to go away and leave him alone. But I saw the look in eyes, the look that I have when my birthday rolls around. Depressed, Sad and torn up. Seeing those eyes on Sasuke the almighty strong Uchiha I know something isn't right its not like Sasuke to look so fragile.

I'm heading over to his compound until I see him walking out of the front door.I hide in a nearby tree so he doesn't see me. I watch him walk twords the forest so I followed him from a safe distance. By the time he stopped he was standing in front of a shrine. Sasuke let tears fall and hugged himself while doing so. I quitely jumped out of the tree and walked twords him. "Hey are you okay"? Sasuke looked at me and turned away. "They're dead every single one of them". I went wide eyed and pulled him into a hug but he pushes me away and walks away.

I sigh as I go after him but he has already disappeared. I'm walking around looking for him but see no sight of him.

Sasuke P.O.V

That fucking dobe I just want to be alone. I lay there crying not able to stop. I miss them so much it hurts. God I'm just one big fuck up I wasn't even there to protect them. The voices than started echoing throughout my head. Telling me things that aren't true. I banged my head on the wall but they wouldn't shut up. I cried harder curling into a ball. I just want to die the pain is to much for me.

Naruto P.O.V

I am worried about Sasuke like a lot. I love him so much I fell hopelessly in love with him. I just wish I could help and he wouldn't push me away. But what if he does something? Im not saying he would try anything but when I get like that I self harm and the thoughts wont go away. I rushed to Sasuke house jumping over the gate and barged inside. There he was a Kunai aimed at his heart crying. I rushed to him and ripped the Kunai away hugging him. He tried to break free but I was stronger for once. He eventually gave up and I let him cry all of it out. After all I know what its like to be alone. "Its going to be okay".

I say holding him close to my chest. While he sat in my lap facing me his legs on either side of my thighs. "Suicide isn't the answer". I say and Sasuke looks up at me but surprisingly doesn't try to get out of my grip. "What would you know your always happy"! He snapped and I chuckled. "Its amazing what a smile can hide you want to know than fine I'll tell you my secret". I let go of him and take off my shirt and release the henge. Everything the villagers did to me showed. Sasuke eyes widened in horror. I let out a curt laugh.

"As you know I bare the nine tails inside me. The villagers think im the reincarnation of the nine tails. So they beat me which is why I have all these bruises. The words you see in my skin were from my birthday last year October 10. They call it the fox hunt. The fox hunt is wear the villagers try to kill me. But thanks to Kurama the nine tails it never happens. So they carve words into me".

I say as the words 'demon', 'monster', 'disgrace' and many more were littered all over my skin. "I go through hell every day even to this day. I have tried to kill myself more times than you know. Remember all those times I was in the hospital almost every day? It wasn't cause of missions that was a cover up its because I wanted to end my life and villagers. I wanted it all to go away, the pain, the hateful stares, all the beatings. I started cutting myself up to take away the pain which is why there are so many scars on my arms and wrist.

These ones were done this morning I had to bandage them up and use a henge to hide it. You all thought I was happy because I'm laughing and loud? Guess I had everyone fooled. You say I don't know what its like but I have had to deal with the villagers my whole life and faking a smile so people don't worry".

I say and look down letting a tear fall down my face as I touch my face and dry my tears and clear my throat. "Sorry got something in my eye but than you came into my life. I wanted to be like you. Strong, perfect and hot". I laugh slightly as the word hot rolls off my tongue. "I envy you so much because everyone loved you even the villagers. Wear as me I was bullied by you and the other kids and than come home to my house trashed. I cried every night because of the things you guys would say. But when they came from your mouth it hurt worse than anything else". I say and fall to my knees.

"I cried every night I was all alone. No one there to hug me not even a friend. But who would care about the demon boy and dead last. No one cared enough to help so I smiled. I made a mask since I was four. All that loudness and smiling every day in the academy and on team 7 was a mask to hide the real Naruto. I understand more than anyone probably ever will". I look up at him and he is frozen in shock.

"So don't push me away Sasuke. I care about you more than anything. How can you let someone you fell hopelessly in love with be alone. I don't care you can call me a fag or gay freak like the others. But please let me be there for you like no one was for me. I'll be the shoulder you can cry on. The one you can count on. You don't have to accept my feelings because your straight but I will always be there for you because you are my best friend". I say and smile as tears fall down his face.

"I'm sorry Naruto I didn't realize what I put you through please forgive me". He said through tears and I smiled but I was shocked that the Sasuke Uchiha asked for my forgiveness its so out of character. "Please forgive me for this Sasuke". I say and lean down kissing him deeply. To my surprise he kissed back wrapping his arms around my neck. My hand rested on his face until we finally broke apart. Both of us were blushing and I smiled.

"Thank you Naruto. For not leaving me alone and being there. If you want the truth I love you so much. I was afraid when I figured out I fell in love with the blonde knucklehead because I knew you liked Sakura. But now that I know you feel the same I'm truly happy". He says and I blush and smile as I hold him close to me. He fell asleep in my arms and I smiled knowing my love is safe.

Extended Ending

Sakura heard everything and snapped a photo of the boys kissing. She than printed them and sold copies to her friends and even Kakashi and Iruka.(Perverts XD)

Sort of Long but oh well I hope you guys like it.

Word Count:1359

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