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Today is the day Naruto comes back from a very very long mission,he is excited to see his boyfriend,it had been months sense he last saw the love of his life. He was ready to propose to him and even bought a nice diamond wedding ring for 1333980.00¥($12,000 U.S). He was currently walking away from the ring shop and finishes his trip back. It was a few hours later around six o clock when Naruto arrived at the village. The guards did their usual search to identify that it was really him. He passes and heads to the hokage to give her his report.He poofs into the office to see a stressed Tusunade."Mission complete". Naruto says explaining details and giving her a piece of paper that gave the rest of the details. He then leaves after being dismissed and walks to his boyfriend compound. He finally arrives and opens the gates then walks inside up to the front door. He un locks it and walks in shutting the door. He sees all the photos of the. hanging up as flashbacks of the years the spent together flashed before his eyes. He heads to him and his boyfriends room and opens the door taking out the ring hiding it behind his back. What he saw shattered him completely. There was Sasuke doing his best friend Gaara. Sasuke notices and stares at Naruto. He quickly pulls out and pulls his boxers up. Naruto had tears in his eyes and turns around running out if the house dropping the black box while doing so.Sasuke sees the box and opens it revealing the ring and tears start to fall down his face. Sasuke rushes after Naruto but by the time he got there Naruto had already gotten passed the gate running north. Naruto kept running all the way back to his apartment.

Over the months drinking consumed him even the villagers and council did not want to mess with him because when he was drunk he was very aggressive. He went to a few gay clubs but no matter what he did or who he tried to see, he loved Sasuke with every inch of his heart.No one in a million years could replace him.Eventually it got so bad that about two years later he drank his pain and sorrow to death.The funeral and Sasuke could not stop crying quitely.He blamed himself so much to the point wear he started drinking.With every drink he felt closer to his now dead lover.Slowly he rotted away until the alcohol consumed him.One day his heart gave out and he passed away with a smile on his face.They were finally together once again.

*Spirit world*

Sasuke saw his beloved Naruto sitting in a field,it had dozens of beautiful flowers and his little blonde was glowing like an angel.Sasuke walks over and sits by him."I am so sorry...I love you so much,I can't take it back but let me make it right baby,I need you, you are my whole world please give me a chance in this life to prove to you that I love you".Sasuke says and if he had a body he would be crying.Naruto looks up at him and smiles."Welcome home darling".They both share a passionate kiss and were forever bonded by love.

Word Count:562

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