Prom Night

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A valentines day special hope you enjoy ^^. This will be a sad, cute fluff story.

It was the day of prom for the students of Konoha High School not to mention its valentines day. The day full of love and happiness wear couples spoil each other however for a blonde haired blue eye boy it was lonely and sad. He was what people called 'Emo Fag' even though his style of fashion was punk rock with a little mix of punk goth. He had no friends and when he tried to make friends they all just laughed and made fun of him. So here he is Naruto Uzumaki currently in the library finishing up his lunch while drawing. Once he finishes his art project due tomorrow he packs up his stuff and walks to his next class sense there was only two minutes left before the bell rings. He was excited for his art class it was his favorite subject. When he gets there the bell rings for lunch to end. He walks in and sits in the back like usual sense it was his assigned seat. Soon after everyone piles inside the class room. Naruto attention turned to Sasuke Uchiha,the most popular guy in school and with him his extremly annoying girlfriend. You see Naruto liked Sasuke a lot, not for his popularity or his looks,he liked him because he would notice the little things Sasuke did you could say he stalked the other boy and the side he saw of Sasuke when he was alone or not at school is what made him fall head over heals. Today he was nervous after all he left a note in his crushes locker a secret admire note. Sasuke was currently reading it while Sakura was talking to Ino. Naruto was nervous because of what he said in the note and frankly he did not know if he could go through with the plan. Naruto heart broke when Sasuke ripped up the note and threw it away. He looked at Naruto who looked away as Sai walks in the class."Alright class the starter today is emotions. Draw anything describing how you feel at this moment. You all know the drill you have fifteen minutes starting now". Sai says as the students begin drawing.

Sasuke P.O.V

I had no idea what to draw. I don't know how I feel especially after being confessed to by a guy. I mean I am gay but I never thought a guy would like me. I keep thinking about what the note said.I feel bad for ripping up the note but Sakura ended up seeing and reading it so what was I supposed to do? Last thing I want is a scene with her complaining. I look over to my girlfriend who is doing her makeup. Honestly I'm only dating her because of our popularity status. In high school you have stereotypes and one of them is the popular guy always dates the most popular girl. I did not want to date her but I had to due to loosing a bet with my friend Kiba about two weeks ago. I look up at Naruto or as people around school call him 'The Emo Fag' because everyone knows he is gay. He is the person I actually like I have bullied him before but that was all an act I hate myself for even doing it but no taking it back now. He looked sad and I could see the waves of depression rolling off him. He gets up for whatever reason and begins walking down the class room steps and Gaara one of my main friends trips him causing him to face plant. "Oops sorry faggot I was not paying attention". He says and the class started laughing. That's when Sai sent him to the principles office and Naruto ran out of class.

Author P.O.V

Naruto had enough of it all and ditched the rest of school. He ran home crying slamming the front door behind him. He ran into his room and practically jumped face down on his bed. He cried for hours letting out all the pent up emotions he heald in for two years now. By the time he stopped crying he was drained and tired. He looks at the time and realsies that he has to get ready to show himself to Sasuke. He gets in the shower washing his long blonde hair hugging himself.

*TRIGGER WARNING this part contains self harm*

He saw his razors and looked at them. He had been clean for almost two weeks and did not want to break his streak. However he picked up the blades looking at them and than his arms. They were covered with dozens of self harm scars and a few were still scabbing over. He took the razor to his wrist and started slashing all different directions not to deep but deep enough to leave yet more marks. When he was satisfied and calmed down he watches as the blood washes down the drain. When they finally stop bleeding he turns off the water and gets out drying himself and his arms off. He wraps the towel around him and cleans up his cuts before he heads to his closet. He puts on a Chelsea grin tank top with a faded blue vest that had 'Fuck You' and spikes on the top of the shoulder. He than put on a pair of red ripped jeans that had a few chains hanging from the pants. Once he finishes that he goes to the bathroom cleaning out his snakebites and nose ring as well as his gauges. He than took the plugged in blow dryer and started to blow dry his hair while styling it into a emo/scene style. Once he finishes he adds hair spray. He than puts on his galaxy dot martins and does his makeup. When he finishes he checks the time. "Perfect! I still have ten minutes before I have meet him". He says before locking his house."I almost forgot happy anniversary mom and dad I hope heaven is treating you well". He says holding the necklace his parents gave him for his birthday. He than walks twords the park realizing he forgot to cover the scars. "Shit, oh well its dark not like he will be able to see". He says to himself as he continue to walk. He finally gets there eight mintues later and waits for him. Thirty mintues had passed and Sasuke had still not shown up. However some bullies did."Look who we have here guys its the emo faggot". A man said pushing him against the tree while laughing. They continued to bully him. Naruto looked down at the ground as a tear escaped his makeup covered eye. "I knew I never had a chance with him why did I even try". He says as more tears escape his eyes."Aww the fag is crying,I dont know why you even tried after all no one would love an attention seeking cutter". The man said before he and group left laughing. Little did Naruto know Sasuke heard everything as he was walking over. Naruto tears fell more as he turn and ran away as fast as he could while crying. Sasuke chases him as Naruto runs back to his house he unlocks the door and rushes in slamming it behind him before rushing to his room. Once he gets in he dives into bed and cries yet again until he was completely drained. The blonde however was in aware Sasuke had snuck inside. Naruto took off his shirt and vest eyeing his body in his dresser mirror. Sasuke walks inside his room but Naruto still doesn't notice,clueless blonde. He pinches his non existent belly fat. "Looks like I have to cut back to no food maybe than I wont be fat". He says to himself as he turns around only to See Sasuke standing there. Naruto was shocked and they stared at each other not saying anything for the longest time. Naruto blushes and faces away from Sasuke after all he was shirtless. "You know breaking into peoples home is illegal", Naruto says and Sasuke shrugs. "Well how else was I supposed to meet my crush"? Sasuke says and Naruto eyes widen in shock."How did you know it was me"? He asks and Sasuke chuckles. "Your the only person I know who has the Initials N.U". Sasuke says and Naruto turns around the red puffy eyes and tear stains were viable."Why did you come? Doesn't Sakura need you"? Naruto asks and Sasuke walks up to him which causes Naruto back into a corner. "Because the dobe I fell for asked me to". Sasuke says than kisses Naruto softly. Naruto face heats up as he widens his eyes. His heart beat speeds up and he can feel the heat rising in his body. He eventually kissed back as Sasuke rests his hands on Naruto waist. They both than pull away for air."Naruto Uzumaki will you go to prom with me"? Sasuke says giving Naruto a black rose that he pulled out of his back pocket."Yes", Naruto says happily taking the rose. Sasuke than grabs his arms and stares at the all the scars and even fresh cuts. Naruto looks away disgusted with his arms but Sasuke did something Naruto would never expect. He kissed each and every scar or cut on Naruto arm before looking into his eyes. "Your to precious to do this to yourself please don't do it anymore". Sasuke says softly and Naruto nods."I won't, I does this mean we are a thing"? Naruto asks and Sasuke kisses him again this time deeper and with more passion. Sasuke than pulls away and smirks."Does that answer your question"? Sasuke asks and Naruto just blushes. The rest of the night the two went to prom had a few drinks came home and passed out in Naruto bed. Naruto was finally happy and his valentines day was not as lonely as he thought.

I know it sucks but it was just an idea I had hope you at least liked and enjoyed it ^^ haply Valentine's day readers hope yours is amazing.

Word Count:1725

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