I'm Right Here

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Naruto was hanging out with his best friend and roommate Sasuke talking about him and Sakura's fight."I don't know what I did Sasuke we were on a date and all of a sudden she got mad and stormed off".He says with a sigh and Sasuke just gives his usual 'hn' you could see the jealousy in his eyes."You know it's your one year with her right maybe that's why but you know I am horrible at giving advice dobe".He says and Naruto face palms. "I totally forgot ugh I am a terrible boyfriend".He says and face plants into his bed as his phone rings. He picks it up seeing the caller I.D,"it's her what do I do"?! He says freaking out,"answer it dobe what else"? Sasuke replies and Naruto scoffs with a small smile and answers it."Hello my lovely flower". He says to her and it is silent for a minute before she speaks."Naruto we need to talk,do you have time"? She says and Naruto smiles,"Yes I do". He answers and she tells him the place then hangs up."Wish me luck Sasuke". He says with a smile before running out of the room down the stairs and out of the house.He stops by a flower shop on the way getting her a bouquet of cherry blossoms it is her favorite flower.He pays for them and continue to walk until he reaches the spot seeing Sakura."Hi love,I got you these happy late one year".He says handing them to her and she takes them before frowning."I am sorry Naruto but I can't do this I love someone else...and it's a girl..I am sorry".She says dropping the flowers and running away.Naruto heart broke into two and he ran home leaving the beautiful bouquet behind.He ran in the house past Sasuke on the couch and into his room locking the door.He face plants into his bed and cries until there is nothing left while ignoring Sasuke protest to open his door.After a few hours of trying Sasuke decides to take matters into his own hands and picks the lock with a bobby pin.He opens it up and goes to Naruto closet grabbing a nice orange dress shirt tossing it to him."Come on dobe get up were going out".He says and Naruto looks at him then back down."Your going dobe".Sasuke says yanking him up softly and Naruto scoffs."I hate you". He says putting on the orange button down dress shirt and some converse then followed him out of the house locking the door.They walked to a near by nightclub called 'Skitz' showing their I.D's before going in.The music was loud and people were on the dance floor dancing and some were hanging around the tables and couches.Sasuke pulls Naruto gently to the bar and they sit down.A bartender  comes over and asks what their having,"I will have a Midnight Lagoon", Naruto says,"And I will have a Dark Sunset". They say and the bartender nods going to make the drinks.(I made quite a few mixed drinks I even gave them names lol those are only two of the names I have given my mixed drinks)"So what's a midnight lagoon"? Sasuke asks and Naruto looks at him."It's a slushie type mixed drink,it has Malibu coconut rum mixed with a blue raspberry vodka,and a black cherry soda as well as ice,it is usually garnished with some mixed berries and sea salt it is really good".He says and Sasuke nods,"what about yours I have never heard of it".Naruto asks Sasuke who slightly smirks as both their drinks are set in front of them."It is Gin gin based drink,it has Seagram's Lime Twisted Gin mixed with sunny D, pineapple juice, blue curaco and  garnished with a slice of pineapple,shredded coconut bits and a kiwi".He says sipping his drink.The two talk and party for a while until Naruto is drunk and Sasuke is drunk but still able to walk un like a certain blonde.They are walking to their  house while Sasuke helps Naruto walk sense he was stumbling everywear.Naruto was talking about funny memes while Sasuke just listened un locking the house once they got there.Sasuke took off his shoes looking at Naruto who was sat down trying to get his shoes off.Sasuke laughs as Naruto struggles until he finally helped the blonde.They walk up the stairs Sasuke arm is wrapped around Naruto waist while Naruto arm is around his neck as Sasuke helps him up the stairs but Naruto being the clumsy person he trips causing both to fall.Sasuke helps Naruto up and they sit side by side on the stairs."You know your to hot to be a boy".Naruto says slurring his words,Sasuke lightly blushes,"you dobe".He says and Naruto giggles,"it's true I would so date you if you were gay".He slurred again and Sasuke finally said fuck it.He kisses Naruto deeply until it turns into a heated make out session....

The Morning

Naruto awakes with a bad head ache and groans sitting up,he then realizes arms are wrapped around his waist and he looks over to see Sasuke,Naruto gasps scared of what happened and prayed that it was not true.Who looked under the covers and saw he was naked as well as Sasuke.Naruto freaks out not sure what to do I mean he slept with his best friend.Just then Sasuke wakes up and Naruto gets scared falling off the bed.He quickly gets dressed and rushes to his room locking the door.Sasuke decides to let him be so he can sort things out,however Sasuke was upset at what he did,he did not even know how it happened his mind was fuzzy in spots.Meanwhile Naruto sits there contemplating things in his room.

A week later

Naruto has still locked himself in his room not speaking to anyone even Sasuke who gave up on trying to get the blonde to come out.Naruto lays there on his bed with messy hair and slight bags under his eyes,just then his phone rings,he looks at it and sees it's Ino.Naruto does not want to answer but Ino was like his sister so going against his own will he answers it."Hello"? He says and a loud Ino can be heard over the phone."Wear have you been you baka meet me at Tea top cafe,no and ifs or butts".She says and Naruto groans but agrees before hanging up.He then gets dressed not bothering to brush is slightly messy hair from tossing and turning.He walks out of his room and downstairs realizing Sasuke is not home.He then walks out the front door locking it and walks to the cafe.Once there he walks in and sees Ino who waves,right as he sits down she looks at him."You look horrible,here have some tea and strawberry cheesecake I ordered your favorite".She says and Naruto smiles slightly as he eats."So what happened I haven't seen you look like this sense your parents..".She stops herself before finishing,"i am sorry".She says and Naruto sighs,"Sakura broke up with me and Sasuke took us out for drinks to cheer me up,and we...we..ended up...ya..know..having sex".He says and she chokes on the cake she just put in her mouth,"you what?! Oh my god..Well I saw it coming to be honest with you".She says and Naruto looks at her confused."Oh my god you did not notice"? She says and Naruto is more confused now."Notice what"?He asks and she giggles,"the way Sasuke looks at you,he likes you Naruto he has for a while".Naruto looks shocked,"how do you know this"? He asks her and she blushes bright red,"I don't think you want to know".She says but Naruto was not giving up."Tell me or I will tell Hinita you like her".He says and Ino gasps,"you wouldn't dare".She says and Naruto smirks,"watch me".He says picking up his phone when Ino grabs it and sighs."Fine but you can't tell him I told you because he made me promise not to".She says and Naruto leans closer."I was going to Sasuke house because he needed help with picking out flowers to give to you to cheer you up sense your parents had...passed away..so I knocked he didn't answer,eventually I got tired and tried to open the door surprisingly it was un locked.Long story shirt I caught him...um..damn it I can't say it".She says and Naruto thinks for a minute before blushing."I see,I think I get it now".He says and then his phone rings,he picks it up to see it's Sasuke."He is calling in what do I do"?He asks and Ino shakes her head,"go talk to him what else"! She says shooing him nicely out of the cafe.He sighs and walks answering the phone."Hello...yeah ill be there right there".He says and with that he hangs up heading back to the house.Once he gets there he walks inside to see Sasuke sitting on the couch.Naruto sighs and sits by him,"Naruto...I am so sorry...for that night...let's just forget about it and be best friends".Sasuke says Naruto could tell Sasuke was upset by the tone of voice."I-I...I don't want to..".He says and Sasuke looks at him confused before Naruto kisses him softly.

The End
This one shot idea just came to my mind while I was eating top ramen lol..Ironic really sense Naruto loves ramen lol,anyway so before I forget because I forget easily, I made this one shot hope you liked it,if you have any one shot storyline ideas,feel free to comment below,I do take requests,with that said I hope you have a great day/night ^^

Word Count:1693

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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