The End

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Yeah. This is it. The end. 40 whole parts of love sick Grey and good friend turned insane maniac Justin. It's been a great ride writing this, and I enjoyed every single second of it. This is the first book I've actually finished, and the characters were based on an event I thought would previously happen (the dating thing, not all the murder).

I just want to thank you:
Thank you for reading this. For taking the time to actually go through this. To support me. It means so much. And I'm so happy that you did so.

Anyway, from me, thank you. And I hope that a sequel idea comes in. Because I will definitely write it.

Hopefully you enjoyed this as much as I did
Kind regards

There is a dark, insane part in all of us. Letting it out will cause menace. Learn how to train it. To control it.
Otherwise it will control you.

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