Mission 1.6

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"Jihyo-yah what should I do. I can't not show up and have her think I'm lying even thought I am. Why is this the hardest mission I've ever had?" Jeongyeon whined as she ranted. "Well you can't tell her the truth so you have to go. You can't blow your cover. You know what will happen." The older whined once again. "Why don't you just call in sick. Or just call her and tell her you got another job to do." Jeongyeon groaned at her options. She checked the time and it read 2:04 am. Jihyo's plane didn't land until 10 pm last night and they didn't get home until after 12:30 am. Not to mention Jeongyeon never ended up going back to sleep after her mission. "I'll sleep on it. Come on, I'll take you to your room." The singer followed her friend into her room.

Jeongyeon didn't wake up until she heard barking followed by a small yelp. She immediately ran out of her room. "You stupid rat, don't you recognize her from all the FaceTime calls your mother does." Jeongyeon picked up the mutt and took him in the kitchen. "Sorry Jihyo-yah, it's probably just hungry." The once sleeping girl rasped. Her friend followed her into the kitchen, seeing her fill the dog bowl with food and the other with water before putting the pup down. "It's okay. He just scared me. I'm fine." Jeongyeon turned towards her friend and yawned. "Go back to sleep Jeongyeonie, everything's okay now." The girl sleepily replied with a nod as she grabbed a glass and filled it halfway with water. "How long have you been awake." The agent asked signaling to the television that was playing the news. "Well, I couldn't really sleep so I came out here to watch some cartoons and I fell asleep until Kookeu woke me up." Jeongyeon nodded with her eyes closed. She waved her hand, signaling Jihyo to follow her. She lead then to the guest room and cuddled into the bed. "Thank you Jeongyeonie. You truly are the best thing that's ever happened to me." Jihyo yawned as she snuggled into the chest of her fit friend. "As are you Thomas." The two sleepily giggled at the silly nickname before falling asleep.

Unlike Jeongyeon, Momo was abruptly woken up from the feeling of someone covering her mouth and nose. She flailed about, kicking and attempting to scream. Fortunately, she ended up kicking him in the face. Once he held his face in pain, the victim took that as her chance and bolted out of the room and down the hall. Mind you, she had just woken up so she was still in her pajamas that unfortunately consisted of a large, thin t-shirt that barely covered her bottom and her bottom undergarments. She repeatedly presses the elevator button as the man stumbled out of the room. He fired multiple gunshots, all missing the woman as she stepped into the elevator. She hurriedly pressed the 'close door' button. The door closed just in time and she was safely on her way to the lobby. Halfway down, the elevator stopped. Scared, Momo started pressing random buttons to get the lift working. She began panting heavily once it started to elevate at a quick rate. Once it stopped, the doors opened to reveal the vicious man that's after her. Tear streamed down her beauty face at a rapid speed as she closed her eyes silently praying for a miracle. She waited for the gunshot. The gunshot sounded, echoing throughout the halls and her ears. The Jap immediately dropped to her knees, covering her ears, silently crying. She jumped once she felt the gentle touch and threw her arms about nailing the person right in the face. "Hey, it's me. Calm down." The agent threw her arms around the scared girl and rocked her to comfort. "Omg, thank god it was you. I was sure I was about to die. I was so scared." Jeongyeon shushed the girl and continued rocking them for side to side. "I'm sorry, I was late. I have no good excuse. Please forgive me." Momo looked up into the sorrow filled eyes of her rescuer. "You saved me again. I'll always forgive you no matter what you do. Thank you so much." Just as the two were about to get up and exit the lift it started descending rapidly. The Korean agent immediately wrapped her arms around the girl protectively. It suddenly stopped but bounced a couple times. "We have to get out of here." Jeongyeon jumped up and lifted the air vent. She pulled herself up and climbed out. "Grab my hand and I'll pull you out." Momo jumped several times without success. Jeongyeon reached down lower. "Come on Momo, you can do it." Just as she was about to jump and grab her rescuers hand, the lift fell again. Momo fell backwards onto her back as Jeongyeon fell into the room again. The elevator abruptly stopped giving the two women time to breathe. "We have to get out of here now. I'll help you out and you crawl through that hole okay?" The Japanese nodded. Jeongyeon cupped her hands together as Momo placed her foot in between them. She jumped and Jeongyeon hoisted her through the vent. "How will you get out?" Jeongyeon jumped off the elevator doors, to the hand rail, through the vent. "Oh." Momo chuckled. Jeongyeon looked up. "We're on the 16th floor. Even if we were up higher I still wouldn't be able to get up out. We have to climb up." Momo's eyes grew wide. "Get on my back. When we get to the 20th floor, press this button and point it at the roof. It'll shoot out a grapple and we can get out that way. Okay?" Momo nodded. She jumped on her back and they began to gradually climb higher and higher.

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