Group Chat (5)

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Newtie has logged on
Newtie: Tommy
Newtie: you can hack stuff right
Thomoose has logged on
Thomoose: yeah
Newtie: can you hack into the uni's system and find out Hannah's file
Thomoose: She's a student?
Newtie: I'm not sure
Newtie: It's hard to explain
Min-Min has logged on
Min-Min: oooOh being naughty are we
Jessyj has logged on
Min-Min: Just turn notifs off
YN has logged on
YN: I can't sleep anyway
Jessyj: ughhh
YN: I'm like 95% sure the people in the next room are doing the dirty
Newtie: ew
Jessyj: LoUdLy
Thomoose: ok I'm back guys
Thomoose: apparently Hannah applied for our uni to study fashion design but got rejected because of her background
Thomoose: Apparently she was kicked out of 5 schools after ours
Min-Min: damn
Newtie: what for?
Thomoose: Different stuff. In one she was caught stalking a teacher, in another she seriously injured someone.
Thomoose: oh damn I wish I hadn't read that
Thomoose: at her last one she was caught, uh, making out with the head for good grades
Newtie: ew
Min-Min: disgusting
Jessyj: damn
YN: She seriously has problems
Min-Min: to be fair with my grades I'd kiss a teacher once a week for extra credit
Thomoose: dude.
Newtie: So she's not a student
Thomoose: No
Newtie: Right
YN: So how did she get that photo?
Jessyj: 😳
Min-Min: I got to go training guys
Min-Min: Bye
Min-Min has logged off
YN: ugh I can't believe Hannah's back
YN: I thought we'd never see her again
Newtie: don't worry baby it'll be okay
YN: I hope so

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