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The class ends and Hyunjin looks back over at Felix. "So me and my friend Seungmin hang out on the front steps for lunch. So meet us there eh"he says. Felix opens his mouth to respond but before he can do so,  Hyunjin gets up and walks away. Felix is really perplexed by how hes getting treated but he shrugs it off.

He walks into his next class. Once again,  he scores a window seat. Theres already a kid staring him down with a smile on his face. "Hey buddy if you keep looking at me like you wanna fuck my ass,  Im gonna knock you over the head with my textbook"Felix growls. The boys laughs.

"Guess he didnt tell you huh"the boy says. Felix doesn't answer. "Im Seungmin"he then says. "Oh fuck you"Felix says. "Maybe later. But Hyunjin told me basically every detail so that how I knew it was you Felix. In case you where wondering" Seungmin then adds. Felix rolls his eyes.

These guys are actually fucked Felix thinks to himself with a loud huff. Seungmin leans onto Felixs desk and puts his face really close to his. "Okay literally stop. Ive known you for like 5 minutes and youre already annoying and I want to throw you out the window"Felix says. Seungmin tilts his head then says "Then do it".

Felix furrows his brows,  "Id rather not get arrested". Seungmin chuckles,  "Yea I knew it". He leans back once again then continues,  "Hyunjin said you where a pussy so guess thats really proves it". Then with a shrug, he turns around and faces the front.

Felix looks around angry as all hell. He looks down at his desk and clenches his fists. He soon calms himself down because the last thing he wants to do is draw attention to himself.

The hour soon comes to an end and lunch begins. Felix packs up then stands up. Seungmin looks at him as he does the same,  "you ready?". "Excuse me?" Felix says. Seungmin waves his hand then begins to walk out of the classroom. With a sigh,  Felix follows. The two find themselves in the front steps of the school.

Hyunjin meets up with the pair. "How was class?" he asks. Felix doesnt respond. "You where right about him" Seungmin says, "Hes a pussy as bitch". Felix can't help it anymore, he just snaps. He grabs the collar of Seungmins shirt and gets right in his face. "You better shut the fuck up". Hyunjin and Seungmin then both start laughing.

Felix shoves Seungmin then looks at the both of them,  "You guys are seriously messed up. Why did you even talk to me?". Hyunjin shrugged,  "Not every day you see an attractive blonde guy with freckles". Felix takes a step back and pauses. Hyunjin is being serious. "Are... Are you gay?" Felix asks slowly.

Hyunjin nods,  "Yea. I mean Seungmins not but I am". Felix doesnt know what to say. "Basically he said you seem like an aggressive gay" Seungmin shrugs. "Uh no.  I am not a faggot thanks"Felix says. The three go silent for a few seconds before Hyunjin speaks up,  "Look in all seriousness, you just seemed lonely and the fact that your angry all the time kinda worried me. So eh. Yea I wanna be your friend".

Felix hesitates for a second, "Uhm sure I guess. Just stop being fucking creepy. Please for the love of god. It just makes me want to beat you more". Seungmin and Hyunjin both nod in agreement. Just then,  all of their attention turns toward a crowd of loud kids.  Hyunjin and Seungmin turn visibly uncomfortable.

Out of the 6 of them,  three stood out the most. They stood infront of the rest and have an ora of power. One of them makes eye contact with Felix. He has light orange hair and very squishy looking cheeks. Reminding him of a squirrel. The group walks up to the three friends. "Can we help you?" Felix says, not threatened by their presence.

"Naw you fags have enough going on" One of the main guys says. His voice is deep and rough. Looking at him, Felixs eyes go wide. Thats him he thinks to himself. His heart pounds in his chest and he can feel his legs go weak. With a smirk,  the kid pushes Hyunjin to the ground and they all soon walk past the three.

"W-w-who was that?" Felix stutters out. His wide eyes still fixated on where the boy once stood. Seungmin picks up Hyunjin and looks over at Felix. They both grow concerned. "What?"Seungmin asks softly. Slowly turning his head, he asks again "Who was that". "Uhm Seo Changbin. Hes in the class above us and one of the popular kids"Hyunjin explains. Felix looks at them blankly.

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