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(A.N: Hey everyone! This is a story im very excited to be writing and I really hope you enjoy it. I 've watched Ghost Adeventure's sincethe beginning and please note that this story will not have the investigations in order, I will be pulling them and putting them where I feel best for the story.. The first chapter is small, as Im just trying to get a feel for it. I appreciate anyone who reads comments and votes. Let me know what you think. xx- Taylor)

Third person P.O.V
Violet Sage Williams is a normal 28-year-old she's quiet, and timid, but owns social media pages like everyone else. She spends most of her days behind the counter of her local Witchery shop with her occasional customers coming in and attending her online courses for college.  She sells books, crystals, sage, candles anything you can think of and on occasion she's asked to go on paranormal investigations if she's needed. She's related to world renowned Demonologist and Psychic Ed and Lorraine Warren. They are her great Aunt and uncle who she loves very much. Her uncle died when she was twelve and her Aunt died in the beginning months of 2019. She carries on her great Aunts gift no matter how much is scares her at times. 

"Vi?" A voice rang from the back "VI!" Violets head snapped out of her studies to meet the eyes of her best friend Elizabeth across the room. 

"Yeah Liz what's up?"

 "A couple of people wanted to speak with you for protection, you're better in that department." She furrowed her brows together.

 "watch the counter for me" She nodded with a smile. 

Elizabeth is 26 and is Violets best friend since childhood, she's accepted and loved Violet for who she is and even took on learning about things to the best of her ability but Violet's knowledge will most times overpower hers. Violet quickly walked over to the two older men, who stood in the front corner

 "Hi I'm Violet, I'm the owner of the shop. can I help you gentlemen?" She shook their hands but immediately felt uneasy. She studied their appearance tilting her head slightly. 

"I'm Zak and this is Aaron, we're interested in getting some things for spiritual protection" She nodded her head listening intently every sense in her body was going off. The two men looked familiar to her, but the senses of the supernatural tipping her off, took her sole attention. 

"Follow me please" She glared behind them sensing an unwelcome presence in her shop. She led them to the back of the shop, she wracked her brain and her line of sight trying to find the cause of the intrusion of her space. 

"As of right now, these are the only items I have in stock; these are our basic rosaries, but I have some in the jewelry counter that have been blessed by priests along with some crucifixes. We also have sage, herbs, and crystals." She explained, looking over her shoulder occasionally. 

"These items aren't affected by any attachments that these antiques may have?" Zak asked, the young girl. 

"Finally, a customer with a little bit of knowledge. Any antiques that have any attachments or supposed haunted items are kept in a particular part of the shop that has meticulous precautions of protection around them, I can assure you." Violet explained articulately. 

"We do paranormal investiga-" Aaron was cut off by a shrill scream coming from Elizbeath and the sound of clattering objects. 

"LIZZY!" Violet pulled herself away, her brown hair with pink tips cascading through the air from the pace she whipped around, the Two men following close behind her

 "I'm okay! I'm okay!" She let out a big sigh, standing up from the ground, placing her hand on the glass counters. "But I'm pretty sure we have an unwanted guest." She scowled. 

"Light some sage, I will take care of it in a moment." Violet nodded, she turned towards the men. 

"Sorry about that, you were saying sir?" She turned her attention to Aaron. 

"That happen often?" Zak asked. "On occasion, but it's never something I can't handle." Violet spoke confidently. 

"I was saying that we do Paranormal investigation's, which is why we want protection. We constantly have things following us home, and recently it's gotten more frequent." Aaron explained "Can you show us the rosaries you had up here?" He asked. 

"Thats it! I knew you looked familiar; you guys are from ghost adventures. It's a pleasure to meet you both. These are the Rosaries I was talking about. Some of them have crystals imbedded in them, really beautiful honestly." Violet walked behind the counter opening them.

"This one has been blessed by a priest close to my family and it is incrusted with Black tourmaline. It is a protective stone, and it repels and blocks negative energy and psychic attacks. It can aid in the removal of negative energies within a person or a space. Black Tourmaline is known to cleanse, purify, and transform dense energy into a lighter vibration; it works like a sponge per-say it soaks up surrounding negative energy." Violet took out the piece and gently laid in on the counter. 

"This one had the Black Onyx crystal. This stone absorbs and transforms negative energy and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Black Onyx can help in the development of emotional and physical strength and stamina. Personally, I use both, to cover all my bases because now a days you can't ever be too safe, but its up to you both personally. I've noticed that when using both it decreases the chance of spiritual attachments." She informed them in a calm, soft tone.

The smell of sage filed the room but that didn't relieve Violet's feeling of unease entirely, yet she can't see a thing around her. "Do you have only one of the Black tourmalines?"  Zak smiled not breaking eye contact with Violet. 

"I have two of those." She pulled the other from the shelf below the original one, 

"We'll take them both." Aaron confirmed. "215.60" She smiled

Zak was deeply captivated by this girl and the mysteries that lied behind her eyes. He wanted her to keep talking. He hung onto every word that Violet spoke like it was the last bit of oxygen left on the planet. He wanted to know more about her, he wanted to know what mysteries she held.

Violet's head was swirling in a migraine from the negative, dense energy in the room. She can always see the unseen, but she can't see this and that scared her. It stuck a nerve in her body that hasn't been struck in a very long time. She laid her head against the wall, she never liked making accusations, but the potential of these boys bringing something to her, made her sick. She was unable to process what possibly could've happened to bring this energy on. 

 "what is going on" She whispered to herself. 

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