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It was another day that jade had decided to get a new book, she had finished Thirteen Reasons Why and it was amazing. She has never read a book with so much meaning, and she was really interested in finding another book similar to it. Like usual, she was on the bus waiting for her stop. Today Jade was actually really happy, believe it or not; there weren't many people on the bus and that was a very good thing. That meant nobody could squeeze her and make her feel uncomfortable. Since it was Saturday, not many people had work today so the bus was a good choice. The weekdays was not a good idea for her to ride the bus, so she thought it would be much smarter if asked her father for a ride or just walked.

The bus soon came to a stop letting Jade and other people out one at a time. "Finally." Jade breathed out as she walked to the library.

There weren't many people like usual, there was only the librarian and a very few groups of people sitting at a table. They were most likely studying from what Jade assumed. All their books were scattered on the table and they were writing into their spiral notebooks as they discussed some topic amongst themselves. Jade knew one of them, she used to be friends with him, but too bad they broke apart. they randomly stopped talking to each other and they went their separate ways.

Making her way up to the librarian, she gave her the finished book and checked it back in. Jade smiled at the elder before heading into the teen fiction aisle, searching for books when she heard a cough behind her. Whipping her head, she saw the guy who always wore the black ray bans and carried that white striped stick along with him.

"Sorry, do you need anything?" She asked.

"No, no, sorry I didn't know anyone was here."

Jade nodded, "Well, I want to ask you a question but I don't know if it'll come off rudely toward you, and I really hope it doesn't, hopefully-"

A laugh left his lips. "If you were asking if I'm blind, then yes I am."

"Oh, okay. What's your name again? I forgot it."

"Calum." He smiled. His face was facing not toward Jad, but at a section in the library with computers. Jade felt bad that he couldn't see.

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