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It was time for jade to leave, well, only because her mother called her. She could've stayed longer since it was only nine and he basically lived across the street from her, but she always obeyed what her mum asked her to do. Calum and Jade's hands were intertwined as they walked to the front of his flat before she opened the door and left she did the most reasonable thing she could do at the moment. Their lips connected. He began to deepen the kiss as he turned his head, smiling into the kiss before they pulled away. Jade had a strong urge to kiss him again, but things couldn't go farther.

"I like you so so so much." She giggled, looking down at her feet.

"Trust me, i like you so so so much more." He smiled, pushing his ray bans up.

"Okay well, goodnight." Jade nodded, she opened the door and was about to walk out until she heard Calum's voice behind her calling her name. Turning around, she looked at him with a curious look on her face, responding with a small 'yes'.

"You didn't let me finish.." Calum bit his lip, " I like you so so so much that I really really want to be your boyfriend, and I want you to be my girlfriend."

The grin on Calum's face and the fluttering in jade's stomach was so unbearable. He opened his arms waiting for her to jump into them, and that's exactly what she did, nearly knocking him down might I add. She smiled into his neck, and placed a quick kiss there, before looking at him. "Yes, I really really want to be your girlfriend."

And the two connected their lips for the last time before Jade told him to be careful walking around his house since his didn't have his stick to direct him. She hurried home and as she entered her house, her mum called her from inside the kitchen. She walked to see her with a knowing smile on her face.

"I saw you and that kid across the street kiss." her mother winked, "are you guys something?"

"Yeah, we are."

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