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Calum was still sitting on his front step enjoying the cool breeze. Jade was staring at him, debating whether she should go over there and talk to him. Finally, she agreed to do so. She jogged across the street, looking both ways before she did until she was standing right in front of him. A cough left her lips and she smiled, forgetting once again that he couldn't see her.

"Hi, Calum." She still smiled.

"Who is that? Jade?" he asked. He pushed his hands in front of him trying to see if he could touch her, but she was a bit farther from him.

"Yeah, hi."

He nodded, "How are you?"

She shrugged, not really sure what to say. She didn't know how she was. Jade did kind of feel good today, she went to the park and enjoyed a nice novel. She didn't get to read much, but at least she got a few chapters out the way. Her mother was still waiting for her to help for dinner, but jade really wanted to associate with Calum. There was something that she's been dying to ask him, (many questions actually) one thing she hoped was that none of the questions she was about to ask offended him in any way. hopefully not. She had an urge to be his friend.

"I'm great." a laugh left her lips, "I, uh, well I wanted to know-"

"Just ask me," he spoke, adjusting his ray bans.

"How does it feel to be blind? Sorry if it comes off rude-"

He sighed loudly, causing Jade to stop her sputtering. She coughed lowly before he responded, "It isn't really nice... Obviously. It's like being in pure darkness all the time. Things can get really difficult, but I've gotten used to it. However, at times I still get so angry because I can't see the things I want to see, and I get so mad at myself."

Calum left her speechless. She wished she never asked because she felt guilty.

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