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There were so many choices of books, Jade could literally grab the entire bookshelf and run out the library, too bad she couldn't. Her eyes roamed through the realistic fiction center, God was there so many books. One book caught her eye, she pulled it out of the shelf and read the title, Thirteen Reasons Why.  She smiled as she read the small synopsis on the back of the book, it interested her more than some books she's ever felt determined to read, she felt more with this book. She rushed to the librarian and pulled her library card out of her wallet that was kept in her back pocket. Excitement was all jade was feeling, this book was going to be good, she could feel it.

She quietly walked over to an empty table when she had finished checking out her book, immediately starting to read the first page. Yes, of course, Jade was already obsessed with the book. She didn't stop at all, she kept flipping through the pages of the book and the whole plot was incredible. The writing of the author was beautiful, this pushed her to read more and more pages, she couldn't help herself.

The whole book was basically about a guy named Clay who comes back from school one day and sees a mysterious box that was lying on his porch, it so happened to be for him. When he opens it he sees cassette tapes that were recorded by his classmate and also his crush who killed herself. In all thirteen tapes are thirteen reasons why she commited suicide. In some parts, the story was kind of sad, but it only interested Jade more, she felt like she could read it all day but one thing she hadn't notice was the time. It was nearly closing time for the library which mean't she had to leave and continue her book while waiting for the bus.

Jade exited the library with her book tucked under her arm as she hurried to the bus stop, she wanted to get there quickly so she'd at least have some time to read. When she got to the stop there was someone already there and she knew who it was, it was the guy who talked to her when she first got to the library. 

Sighing, she stood right next to him and leaned up against a light pole that was near her.

"Is someone here?" He looked around obliviously.

"Um, yeah someone is here..."

"Oh okay, I was just wondering."


"Hey, uh, were you that girl I talked to this afternoon? I kind of remember your voice."

Jade didn't even answer, she just looked at him.

"You still there?"

"Yeah, hi," Jade muttered, still looking at him questioning everything about him. It was rude to stare, but it's not like he could see her staring, right?

"Okay good," he smiled, "I'm Calum."

"I'm Jade."

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