Carnage and Mayhem

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Hermione should probably point out now that the prank war could have gone a whole lot worse. The first-floor corridor had been successfully blackened with Peruvian Instant Darkness powder by Ginny, and Draco had sounded genuinely terrified as he hared up the stairs with plenty of his fellow Slytherins, calling for Professor Snape.

"Professor, Professor – I'm telling my father about this!"

And so Professor Snape had sedately followed his house back to their common room, looking typically unimpressed, and remained there for a while, clearly witnessing the wreckage that his godson had caused in the room. Then, after Professor Snape was safely ensconced in the Slytherin common room, Ginny had run to tell her that Harry had set off the Dungbombs. Shortly afterwards, Harry joined them, sweaty but relieved he'd done his job.

"Never make me do that again," he ordered Ginny, who simply laughed at him.

"Okay," said Hermione, "now I've got to set a flock of birds on you. Ready?"

Harry rolled his eyes petulantly.

"As if."

"Good. Avis! Oppugno!"

Hermione could tell that Harry and Ginny did not like being attacked by cute blue baby birds but she had no choice. Stick to the plan. She hurried away down the corridor without looking back and then waited a suitable time. As soon as a person emerged from round the corner, Hermione let loose a great hacking cough.

"Hermione, you okay?" Questioned Hannah Abbott anxiously.

"Yes, yes, fine," Hermione replied, sucking in a deep breath. "Something must have gotten stuck somewhere."



It was a tad too dramatic on Ginny's part but, then again, she always had been a drama queen.

"Is that... Ginny Weasley?" Hannah asked.

"Yes, it is," Hermione replied. "We should see what's wrong."

"We?" Hannah sounded petrified.

Arriving with someone else was essential to the plan, to deflect the blame off her.

"If it's_ monsters_ then we should go together," Hermione said with hesitant certainty.

"I think I'll go get help," Hannah said before rushing off the way she'd come.

"Great," Hermione muttered, and returned to Harry and Ginny.

The two were covered in tiny scratches and seemed pretty desperate.

"Remove the spell, Hermione!" Ginny cried.

"Shh, you'll give me away!" Hermione hissed. She brandished her wand. "Finite incantatum!"

Nothing happened.

"Oh Godric," Hermione cursed.

There were suddenly sounds of footsteps from both sides.

"I've never been so disappointed with someone from my own house_"

"I found help_!"

Both parties stopped, and Hermione, Harry and Ginny were caught in the crossfire with their flock of birds.

"Hello, Severus," greeted a heavily-scarred, good-looking man, looking rough, and wearing a tattered travelling cloak.

"Lupin," Snape nodded his head, Draco hovering miserably at his side.

They both turned to the carnage between them.

"And what," snapped Snape, "is going on here?"

Remus gave the older man an assessing look.

"Surely you can tell, Severus?"

The other sighed.

"Of course."

They spoke simultaneously.

"A prank war."


A.N. Obviously Remus had to appear at some point, didn't he? 

This chapter is dedicated to @Cassie20052 for suggesting the prank war in the first place. I'm not sure I've done it justice, but I felt I needed to get a chapter out to you guys after the absence last week.

Thank you for reading and PLEASE COMMENT!!!!

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