Part 9

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Izaya's POV

     Shizu-chan and I made our way to Shinra's house once again. If I was gonna do this it would require a little bit of his help well mostly Celty's. Shizu-chan knocked and he immediately answered. "Twice in one month what's the occasion?" He said sounded serious. "We are here for Celty is she home?" I questioned. "Ah no. She's out on a job. My beloved Celty doesn't care about me anymore." Shinra whined. Shizuo and I just squeezed through his door and by that I mean Shizu-chan threw the door and we walked inside. "MY DOOR!!" Shinra yelled. "It's what you get for moping around." I shrugged as Shizu-chan sat on the chair and instinctively pulled me into his lap which I didn't mind at all. Shinra looked at us seemingly not surprised. " I should've known so do you guys fuck every night or-"I cut him off by throwing a knife only inches away from his face. "Our relationship isn't based on sex Shinra."Shizu-chan growled. "Besides we haven't even had sex yet. Haven't we Shizuo?" I growled before I sighed, glared at him and got up from Shizu-chan's lap to get my knife. "I'll keep that in mind." Shinra started to back away after all I never call Shizu-chan by his real name and if I do well let's just say....well you don't need to know.

An hour later

      "Welcome back Celty!" Shinra jumped at her only for the same thing to happen. 'Two visits in one month? What are you two up to?' Celty typed on her PDA. "You'll find out with time Celty but for now we need your help and it's a good time for me to exchange your help for that information you badly wanted." Izaya smirked deviously. 'You mean the information on my head?' "Yep here is the information I have so far." Izaya laid stapled papers on the desk. Celty went to grab them only for Shizuo to grab her hand. "You'll get them if you help us, deal?" Izaya held out his hand which she hesitantly took and Shizuo let go of her other hand and she immediately grabbed the papers. "Now then Celty this is what you're going to do..."

One quick explanation later

       'Understood.' She typed out and Shizu-chan and I left. He swung an arm around my shoulders and I looked down and smiled. But I still felt those disgusting stares of those wretched humans looking at us with shock. Shizu-chan twirled me into his arms and picked me up bridal style and I buried my blushing face into Shizu-chan's chest, smiling. This monster is the only one that keeps me from killing every human that looks at us and vice-versa. I felt stares that were lustful toward me. 'How unusual.' I thought. Shizu-chan seemed to feel it as well and set me down for only a second so he could throw a mailbox at the person killing them in the process. "If any of you even think about touching MY Izaya I will not hesitate to kill you in the worst way possible." He growled out and everyone fearfully nodded. He picked me up once more and I snuggled into him and I checked my phone.


Mikado's POV

     "Kida did you see that?!" I whisper yelled. I looked at the two once more but they were already far away. Kida gulped before nodding. He took my hand again and we started to make our way to school. 'He's been doing that a lot.' I thought looking at our intertwined hands. I slightly blushed and looked down. 'I truly love him don't I?' I thought in my head. Once we got to school he let go of my hand and we went our separate way to class. 'I can't help feeling something bad is going to happen.' I thought as I sighed aloud looking out the window.

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